Dartmouth United Way raised a record-breaking $305,956 this year and inspired 205 new donors to join the campaign, ranking it as Granite United Way’s largest-ever workplace fundraising effort.

Campaign co-chairs Gail Gentes and Wiley “Chip” Souba, dean of the Geisel School of Medicine, sent a message to the Dartmouth community Wednesday announcing that the effort surpassed the historic $300,000 goal.
“Thank you to all of the individuals who made gifts to this year’s campaign,” Souba says. “Your passion for lending a hand up, and not stopping until we crossed the finish line, made this year truly historic.”
Read more:Gentes, who is married to President Phil Hanlon ’77, recognized the commitment of the Dartmouth community in making a difference. “Thank you for your generous spirit and example, and for making the Upper Valley—and Dartmouth—stronger. We are all made better when we strengthen the communities we’re privileged to live and work in,” says Gentes.
Dana Hanson, a Granite United Way director says the Dartmouth campaign will help local organizations improve the lives of many people in the region.
“The tremendous success of the United Way campaign at Dartmouth is a wonderful example of the strong role that Dartmouth faculty and staff play in the Upper Valley,” Hanson says.