Our Liberal Arts Moment (The Huffington Post)


In response to President Obama’s recent remarks about the usefulness of an art history degree, Dartmouth’s Daniel Rockmore and Adrian Randolph write a Huffington Post opinion piece about the importance of a liberal arts education. “A society built on the rapid pace of today’s technological achievements cries out for a leadership and workforce educated broadly,” they write.

“Fifty years ago the launch of Sputnik served as a call to action for a science-educated public,” the authors say. “Perhaps the 
President’s recent verbal slip can help lead us to ‘liberal arts moment.’ We argue for this not out of nostalgia or self-interest, but as a pragmatic response to the needs of many students, who, in order to have productive, satisfying, and meaningful professional lives, will benefit from the breadth and intellectual humility afforded by a liberal arts education.”

Rockmore is the William H. Neukom 1964 Professor of Computational Science and director of the Neukom Institute for Computational Science. Randolph is the associate dean of the faculty for the arts and humanities and the Leon E. Williams Professor of Art.

Read the full opinion piece, published 2/25/14 by The Huffington Post.

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