May is a busy month at Dartmouth, with conferences, symposiums, and performances scheduled across campus. Here is a look at some of the upcoming events.
May 12, May 16: The Gender Research Institute at Dartmouth (GRID) offers two events to conclude its “Times of Crisis” series, which has brought prominent scholars, artists, and activists to Dartmouth during the Spring 2014 term. On Monday, May 12, Jennifer Klugman, director of gender and development at the World Bank, will speak on “Gender at Work: Pathways to Economic Opportunities,” beginning at 4 p.m. in Room 001 of the Rockefeller Center. And on Friday, May 16, activist Angela Davis, Distinguished Professor Emerita of History of Consciousness and Feminist Studies at the University of California, Santa Cruz, will speak on “Feminism and Abolition: Extending the Dialogue.” Davis’ lecture starts at 4 p.m. in Filene Auditorium, Moore Hall.
May 13: Language In Motion (LIM), a program of the Tucker Foundation, presents its 4th Annual Spring Symposium on Tuesday, May 13, bringing 100 high school students and their teachers to campus for a day of cross-cultural education. Teachers will take part in a professional development workshop organized by the Hood Museum of Art, and more than 50 Dartmouth students, faculty, and staff will participate.
May 14: The Portman Lecture in the Spirit of Entrepreneurship brings Chetna Sinha, founder of the Mann Deshi Bank and the Mann Deshi Foundation, to campus, to discuss social entrepreneurship model for women in India. Sinha’s talk, “Financial Inclusion & Women Empowerment,” begins at 4:30 p.m. in Room 003 of the Rockefeller Center.
May 14-17: Specters of the Great War: France, Italy and the First World War, an international and interdisciplinary conference, begins at 1:15 p.m. with opening remarks from Dartmouth President Phil Hanlon ’77. Scholars will present on art history, history, literature, music, and postcolonial issues. Sessions on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday take place in Haldeman 41 (the Kreindler Conference Hall) and are open to the public.
May 17: The Department of Mathematics will host a Sonia Kovalevsky Math Day on Saturday, May 17, starting at 9:30 a.m. in Kemeny Hall 008. Workshops and talks for middle and high school female students and their teachers aim to encourage young women to continue their study of mathematics and to support those who teach them. The Math Day program is free but requires registration by May 12.
For more upcoming events, visit the Dartmouth events calendar.