In recent days, the world’s media, from U.S. News & World Report to The Washington Post, turned to Dartmouth for comment. Here’s what five professors had to say:
“The essential question, then, is whether what is unknown, or part of it, is unknowable, beyond our grasp, says Professor Marcelo Gleiser in his latest blog for NPR.
“I give the Obama administration credit for acting, but as a nation we could have done so much better,” says Senior Lecturer Charles Wheelan ’88 in a “U.S. News & World Report” column about the president’s proposal to cut carbon dioxide emissions from power plants by 30 percent.
“The government should do what it is supposed to do—govern, and let the Indians do what they know how to do well—fuel entrepreneurship,” says Professor Vijay Govindarajan in an Economic Times story about India’s new prime minister, Narendra Modi.
“Public awareness is a great thing as long as it leads to better diagnosis, better treatment, better coaching, better outcomes,” says Thayer’s Richard Greenwald in a “Washington Post” story about Obama’s recent call for more and better research on concussions and young athletes.
“I used to think of the Arctic sea ice as unaffected by manmade pollutants. It’s not the case,” Assistant Professor of Engineering Rachel Obbard tells Bloomberg Businessweek.