Jake Sullivan, a close adviser to Hillary Clinton during her term as secretary of state and a current member of the U.S. delegation on the Iran nuclear negotiations, will meet with Dartmouth students, postdocs, and faculty and hold a public discussion on U.S. policy during a Jan. 28-Jan.30 residency through the John Sloan Dickey Center for International Understanding.

In a June 20 New York Times article, Clinton described her former adviser as “invaluable” and said Sullivan was a “coolheaded, clear-eyed analyst of the problems we faced with our national security.”
When Clinton left the State Department, President Barack Obama urged Sullivan to join the White House staff, finding him a spot as national security adviser to Vice President Joe Biden, according to the Times. Sullivan had helped then-candidate Obama prepare for a 2008 debate with Sen. John McCain.
“Jake Sullivan is probably the brightest new foreign policy star to emerge in the last few years,” says Daniel Benjamin, director of the Dickey Center. “As Secretary Clinton’s director of policy planning and, more recently, Vice President Biden’s national security adviser, he has been at the absolute epicenter of policymaking in the Obama Administration. His skills and insights are off-the-charts good, and it’s fabulous that he’s coming to speak at Dartmouth. I don’t think anyone has a fresher, more informed take on global affairs and U.S. policy.”
Sullivan will begin his visit to Dartmouth with a lunch with students in the Global Village living and learning community and Dickey Center students in Occom Common on Jan. 28. He will visit several public policy classes, and meet with a number of foreign policy and international security postdocs and faculty.
Benjamin will host a public conversation with Sullivan from 4:30 to 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 28, in Kreindler Conference Hall, Haldeman 41. The event is free and open to the public.