More news Articles Quoted: Brooke Judd on the Science of Sleep 7/28/2015BodyImage “Interestingly, we don’t know why sleep is important,” says the Geisel School of Medicine’s Brooke Judd in an NHPR interview about the science of sleep.Judd is an assistant professor of psychiatry at Geisel. Office of CommunicationsShare thisFacebookXEmail QuotedQuoteWe’re in a new era for sure.BylineDOUGLAS IRWIN, PROFESSOR OF ECONOMICS | AttributionASSOCIATED PRESSDate3/6/2025 ArticlesBoard Considers Strategic Trajectories for the FutureDate3/6/2025Body Trustees updated on housing and climate, interact with faculty and students.ImageThumbnail
QuotedQuoteWe’re in a new era for sure.BylineDOUGLAS IRWIN, PROFESSOR OF ECONOMICS | AttributionASSOCIATED PRESSDate3/6/2025
ArticlesBoard Considers Strategic Trajectories for the FutureDate3/6/2025Body Trustees updated on housing and climate, interact with faculty and students.ImageThumbnail