Quoted: Seddon Savage on Drug Addiction as a Chronic Disease


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“People are beginning to recognize addiction as a chronic disease and I think that’s very, very important. It’s not unlike diabetes and heart disease, in that people have biogenetic vulnerabilities, and lifestyle choices can contribute to the manifestations of the disease,” says Dr. Seddon Savage, Med ’80, an expert on opioid abuse, in a New Hampshire Union Leader story about advocates working on solutions to New Hampshire’s drug crisis.

Savage, one of several people named “Citizens of the Year” for their work on opioid abuse in the state, told the newspaper she’s encouraged by the progress made in the past year. “We can’t take away the past, unfortunately, and there’s been too much loss,” she said. “But I’m very hopeful for our future.”

Savage is an adjunct associate professor of anesthesiology at Geisel.


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