“Acclaimed Boston playwright-actress Melinda Lopez, the daughter of Cuban immigrants, canceled an engagement Tuesday so she could watch President Obama’s historic speech from Havana, considering it ‘an incredibly important day for Cuba,’ ” reports The Boston Globe.
Lopez, a member of the Dartmouth Class of 1986, got the surprise of her life, the Globe writes.
“Lopez watched from her Bedford home as Obama spoke about the pain of separation felt by many Cuban-Americans and ‘the reconciliation of the Cuban people—the children and grandchildren of revolution, and the children and grandchildren of exile—that is fundamental to Cuba’s future.’
“Then, to Lopez’s astonishment, Obama said her name. Even for someone who concocts and enacts imaginative stories for a living, it was a stranger-than-fiction moment,” the Globe writes.
A subscription is required to read the full story, published 3/22/16 by The Boston Globe.