Statement by President Phil Hanlon and Provost Carolyn Dever on the Remarks Made by Guest Speaker Professor Jasbir Puar


During a recent panel presentation, Rutgers University associate professor Jasbir Puar made statements that some members of our community found objectionable and offensive. As is the case with any guest speaker, these remarks do not represent the views of the College. Dartmouth is and will remain committed to robust debate, respectful dialogue, and discussion, with the understanding that such interactions will sometimes be difficult or disagreeable. As an academic community, we are committed to free speech and open inquiry in all matters. Students, faculty, and staff enjoy the freedom to speak, write, listen, and challenge ideas in pursuit of better learning and understanding. We aspire to treat ourselves and one another with dignity and respect and to be a campus that is free from speech or actions that are biased.

Phil Hanlon ’77

Carolyn Dever