Library Honors Graduating Student Employees

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In this year’s program, the library will honor nearly 50 students from the Class of 2016.

 students honored in this year’s Bookplate Program
Among the students honored in this year’s Bookplate Program are, front row, from left, Katarzyna Robak ’16, Rui Zhang ’16, Caroline Sohr ’16, Samantha Smith ’16, Lois Aryee ’16, Joshua Clark ’16, Bonita Chen ’16, and Vivienne Kim ’16. In the back row, from left, are Nikhil Arora ’16, Song Heui Cho ’16, Dean of Libraries and Librarian of the College Jeffrey Horrell, James Ragan ’16, Emily Chan ’16, Katie Hake ’16 (Photo by Eli Burakian ’00) 

This year marks the 10th year that the Dartmouth College Library has honored its graduating student employees with the Student Library Service Bookplate Program.

Students who have worked for the library are invited to choose books, DVDs, CDs, or other items for the library's collections. Each item receives a bookplate that acknowledges the student's selection and honors his or her service to the library. Students are eligible for the honor if they have worked at least two terms in any library department (including RWIT, the Student Center for Research, Writing, and Information Technology, which the library collaborates in running).

 “We at the Dartmouth College Library are pleased to honor the talents and contributions of our graduating student assistants with the Student Library Service Bookplate Program,” says Dean of Libraries and Librarian of the College Jeffrey Horrell. “Without our student assistants, the library would not be able to offer many of its services and resources for the Dartmouth community. For all that these students do for us, the Bookplate Program is an enduring way to thank them with this tangible contribution to our permanent collections.”

For Katarzyna (Kasia) Robak ’16, who worked at Baker-Berry Library’s Information Desks, the Bookplate Program commemorates a favorite job: “Working at the library was a way to appreciate the daily routines of Dartmouth students. The library is one of the centers of campus, and seeing everyone studying and working together has been really inspiring. The book I chose was Gretchen Rubin’s The Happiness Project, which is about trying to find inspiration every day.”

The library will honor nearly 50 students from the Class of 2016, with selections ranging from biographies, travel guides, and Broadway soundtracks to world literature, inspirational works, and DVDs of favorite films. Commencement week displays celebrate honorees at all of Dartmouth's campus libraries.

Visit the Bookplate Program’s webpage for a full listing of students’ selections from all 10 years of the program.

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