35th Annual Prouty Race Gears Up to Fight Cancer

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Thousands are expected to participate in the two-day fundraiser for cancer research and care.

Participants cruise along during last year’s Prouty.
Participants cruise along during last year’s Prouty. (Photo by Dan Grossman) 

Close to 5,000 participants are expected to take part in the 35th annual Prouty Event to Fight Cancer. Set for July 8 and 9, the fundraiser for cancer research and care is the signature event of the Friends of Dartmouth-Hitchcock’s Norris Cotton Cancer Center.

The Prouty includes cycling, walking, rowing, and golfing over the two days. Along with the expected thousands of participants, more than 1,300 volunteers are needed to staff support stations along the route for feeding and hydrating the participants, race organizers say. Volunteers also include musicians, massage therapists, photographers, cooks, servers, ham radio operators, EMTs, traffic guards, and others.

The Prouty funds investigator-initiated cancer research at the Norris Cotton Cancer Center, an NCI-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center affiliated with the Geisel School of Medicine and Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center. It also funds compassionate services for cancer patients and families such as support groups, massage, art and writing programs, resource libraries.

Last year the Prouty raised more than $3 million to benefit Norris Cotton Cancer Center, according to the event news release.

To volunteer or donate, and for more information, including starting times and locations, see the Prouty website.


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