A gallery of images from Dartmouth - February 20, 2017
The calendar still says winter, but spring sports teams have returned to the field. On Tuesday evening, Dartmouth men’s lacrosse earned its first win of the season with an 11-9 home victory over the University of Vermont. Here, Dartmouth midfielder Jack Korzelius ’18 escapes from a UVM defender. (Photo by Robert Gill)
A recent storm blanketed campus in snow. (Photo by Robert Gill )
On the night before opening, the cast of the student production of the musical Urinetown had one final dress rehearsal. (Photo by Eli Burakina)
Additional shows of the musical will be offered Feb. 23–26. For more information, see the Hopkins Center’s website. (Photo by Eli Burakian)
Fabian Stocek ’17 skis uphill faster than most people ski downhill. Here he leads a crowd of skiers in the men’s 3 x 5k freestyle race at the Dartmouth Winter Carnival. Dartmouth won the race and finished second overall in the team standings. (Photo by Robert Gill )
Good fences make good ... photos. (Photo by Eli Burakian)
A member of the women’s ski team is on her edges during a race at the Dartmouth Skiway during Winter Carnival. (Photo by Eli Burakian)
A walker makes her way through deep snow on the trail to the Bema. (Photo by Robert Gill )
Shattuck Observatory allows faculty and students to observe the heavens, but sometimes the most beautiful views can be seen from the windows. (Photo by Robert Gill )
Prospective students get a taste of winter in Hanover during a tour of campus. (Photo by Eli Burakian ’00)