A gallery of images from around campus - March 6, 2017

The snow started early in the day on Tuesday, Mar. 14, and just kept coming. (Photo by Robert Gill)

With winter term winding down, campus was already quiet. The fresh snow only added to the effect. (Photo by Robert Gill)

On a warm day in the middle of an unusually warm winter, Diana Ge ’19 and Shawn Lee ’19 hang out on a hammock. (Photo by Robert Gill)

On March 1, Tillman Gerngross, a professor of engineering at Thayer, delivered the 29th Presidential Faculty Lecture. Gerngross who is both a scientist and an entrepreneur, discussed the importance of translating basic scientific research into practical applications in medicine and other fields. (Photo by Rob Strong ’04)

Graduate student Lucy Owen finds a sunny spot to study in Moore Psychology Building. (Photo by Robert Gill)

Students take advantage of the tools available in Jones Media Center, which offers multimedia workstations, audio-visual equipment rentals, and the latest software. (Photo by Robert Gill)

Students in a class taught by Nicholas Reo, an assistant professor of environmental studies and Native American studies, recently made a trip to the factory of the snowboard company Burton to talk about reseach on the effects of backcountry skiing on local environments. Here, the students get a tour of the museum at Burton headquarters. (Photo by Eli Burakian ’00)

Brenna Gourgeot ’18 uses a pottery wheel in the ceramics studio in the Hopkins Center for the Arts, which offers pottery classes to help students learn to turn clay into art. (Photo by Eli Burakian ’00)

On the day after a late-winter blizzard, students head to the Dartmouth Coach bus stop to leave town for spring break. (Photo by Eli Burakian ’00)

With an unlikely combination of tools—wooden pencils and a child’s arts-and-crafts kit known as Shrinky Dinks—Assistant Professor of Chemistry Katherine Mirica and her lab team are building an electronic “nose” to detect gases that are beneficial at some levels, but very dangerous at others. Here, Mirica (second from left), works with (from left to right) postdoc Lukasz Mendecki and graduate students Aylin Aykanat and Haydn Mitchell. Read more about their work. (Photo by Robert Gill)

Tom Beale ’00, an artist and a visiting professor, talks to a crowd of people in the Black Family Visual Arts Center. The event was part of the Breakfast with the Arts series, in which artists discus their work with the public. (Photo by Eli Burakian ’00)