Good Reads: Recommendations From Faculty Members

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Fourteen faculty members offer book recommendations.

Good Reads: Recommendations From Faculty Members
(Image courtesy of Dartmouth Alumni) 

Read the full story, published by Dartmouth Alumni.

These days, the sun is still setting early and a blanket of snow carpets the Green. It’s the perfect time of year to curl up with a good book and a steaming drink, and 14 faculty members have provided plenty of suggestions for you to choose from.

Among their recommendations: Octavia Butler’s Parable of the Sower (Treb Allen, associate professor of economics); Michael Lewis’ The Undoing Project (Jeffrey Ruoff, associate professor of film and media studies); and Daniel Mendelsohn’s Odyssey: A Father, a Son and an Epic (Susan Ackerman, the Preston H. Kelsey Professor in Religion).

Whether you’re looking for a gripping detective story, a stirring family memoir, or an engaging look into the ancient history of modern religion, you’re sure to find a book that will take you on an intellectual journey even if the weather is keeping you inside.

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