Read the full story, published by Thayer School of Engineering.
Dartmouth faculty will join researchers at the University of New Hampshire (UNH) in a $20 million National Science Foundation project that will focus on developing biomaterials that can replace parts or enhance functions within the human body. The aim, says Ian Baker, the Sherman Fairchild Professor of Engineering at Thayer, “is to better understand and develop materials that are both cost-effective and work seamlessly within the human body.”
In collaboration with Keene State College, the Community College System of New Hampshire, and New Hampshire businesses in the biotech sector, Dartmouth and UNH will, as part of the project, develop education programs and workforce training.
“This project represents an incredible opportunity to capitalize on the expertise of UNH and Dartmouth faculty in a way that truly benefits the entire state,” says Thayer engineering professor Douglas Van Citters, a co-principal investigator of the project. “I’m excited to work with the entire team to help establish the infrastructure that will eventually help translate a broad spectrum of ideas into clinically useful products.”
“The research and design of biomaterials will help save lives,” says N.H. Sen. Jeanne Shaheen.