The 287 employees recognized at this year’s employee service awards banquets have collectively served Dartmouth for 5,285 years, said Scot Bemis, chief human resources officer.
Bemis, who served as host of the events, said he was pleased to celebrate the valuable work of staffers who, he said, “make a significant impact at all levels.”
“I would like to take this opportunity to pause and celebrate your time here at Dartmouth College, it deserves a round of applause,” he said in welcoming remarks to employees.
At a Dec. 13 luncheon and dinner at the Class of 1953 Commons, the College honored staff marking employment milestones, beginning with a lunch celebration for the 103 employees who have served for 10 years and the 58 staffers who have served for 15 years. The dinner event celebrated those with 20 years through 45 years of service, in five-year increments.
President Philip J. Hanlon ’77 told the employees that their work is an important part of the College’s success.
“The excellence we achieve at Dartmouth is a team effort, and staff plays a crucial role, along with faculty and students, on this team,” said President Hanlon.
This year’s celebration was different from previous years because the Sheila Culbert Distinguished Employee Award was not presented at the ceremony. Instead the Culbert Award, the College’s highest staff honor, has been incorporated in the newly created Lone Pine Recognition Program, which also establishes five new awards to honor staff who exemplify Dartmouth’s commitment to excellence and core values.
The Lone Pine program awards will be presented at a ceremony in April. Details on the Lone Pine awards are available on the Office of Human Resources website.
The employees recognized for their service this year:

10-year honorees, in alphabetical order: Hazen Allen, Kelly Antwi, Rebecca Bailey, Laura Barrett, Charles Bender, Billie Jo Buchanan, John Burnor, Mora Cantlin, Samuel Cavallaro, Patrick Crim, Kathleen Cunneen, Rebecca Davis, Christine Dowman, Evelynn Ellis, Sherry Fiore, David Foster, Gail C. Goodness, Christopher Gould, Patricia Hanchett, Jessica Havrda, Anthony Helm, Derek Hussey, Douglas Illsley, Melissa Jewell, Andrew Kilibarda, Joshua Kim, Tonya LaClair, Janet Moore, Jordan Moriarty, Johnathon Nadeau, Carol Olwert, Angela Orlando, Lorin Parker, Yvonne Pelletier, Jennifer Phelps, Ashlee Robinson, Sie Soukone, Jeremy Wheeler, Richard Whitmore.
Awardees who were not present: Matthew Avery, Amy Baker, Jessica Bernatchy, Matthew Bolduc, Eric Brooks, Derek Brown, Jennifer Casey, Kristin Cole, Kevin Collier, Juliann Coombs, Jeffrey Darling, Dia Draper, Paulette Dunbar, Amanda Dupuis, Jillian Emerson, Amos Esty, Kristina Fjeld-Sparks, Rory Gawler, Brian Geoghegan, Gene Giguere, Jessica Gilbert, David Graber, Catherine Grabill, Debra Harlow, Whitney Hatch, Nathan Heath, Laura Hercod, Angela Patricia Hernandez, Heather Huff, Ronald Johnson, Deepak Karanwal, Gordon Koff, Martha Lane, Gail Langeloh, Kathryn Lapierre, Joshua Lascell, Matthew Lotterhand, Sean McNamara, Olga Melnikova, Edward Meyer, Dillon Mock, Jill Mortali, Magda Nanopoulos, George Newcomb, Steven Nyman, Deirdre O’Donnell, Christopher Ogomo, Trevor Porter, Michael Raymond, Robert Robertson, Stephen Sampson, Jeffrey Seamans, Alice Sedgwick, Laura Serafin, Deborah Siwulec, Ivan Stanhope, Deana Stearns, John Sutherland, Vivien Taylor, Stephen Tisdale, Diane Warning, Brittney White.

15-year honorees: William Bacon, Pamela Bagley, Robert Beach, Laura Braunstein, Jeanne Briand, Cristen Brooks, Jean Brown, Margaret Chase, Brenda Cole, Tracy Dustin-Eichler, Mark Franklin, Nancy Garrett, Corinne Arndt Girouard, Anita Herrick, Maciej Kmiec, Donna Lawless, Kimberly Lyford, Barbara Masteller, Sarah Morgan, Wole Ojurongbe, Jennifer Seiler, Hannah Silverstein, Alison Young, Mary-Ella Zietz.
Not present: Kristi Ballou, Tracy Ballou, Hassina Benchabane, Todd Berube, David Carpenter Sr., Jennifer Cocklin, Brian Corcoran, Jay Davis, Margaret Devine-Sullivan, James Dobson, Patrick Dunfey, Jade Ennis, Darcie Findley, Suzanne Fraser, Philip Garran, Laura Graveline, Francis Heath, Mark Hiatt, Allison Hill, Bethany Jodoin, Stephen Kearing, Joshua Price Kol, Mark Stephen Laser, Lydia Lewis, Richard McNulty, Sunnie McPhetres, Klaus Milich, Meredyth Morley, Seth Nelson, Kevin O’Leary, Michael Ricker, Bryan Taber, John Vanier, Weiping Zhou.

20-year honorees: Nancy Bates, Michael Bissaillon, Diane Bonin, John DeSantis, Jeffrey DeWitt, Timothy Duggan Jr., Daniel Gottlieb, Judy Jarvis, Amy Layne, Stacie Marshall, Christine Maute, Elizabeth Rosenberger, Marisue Valentine.
Not present: Kevin Baron, Doris Beyer, Emily Caldwell, Susan Caruso, Lori Corrette, Katrina DeCoff-Webster, Sandra Dusek, Jennifer Friend, Gwendolen Gensler, Annette Hamilton, Michele Jaeger, Andrew Johnson, Gabriela Kovacikova, David Levesque, Rebecca Mlynarski, Ronald Peterson, Randy Pixley, Barbara Rector, Shelley Richer, Scot Stammers, Alexander Thorngren, Erin Tunnicliffe, Robert Vaughan, Ellen Young, Susan Zaslaw.

25-year honorees: Joan Blood, Mary Kay Brown, Michael Burton, Kevin Evans, Ginger Farewell-Lawrence, Sherry Finnemore, Bernard Haskell, Sally Jaeger, David Jenks, Steven Lubrano, Dorothy McKenna, Nelson Morgan, Rose Murphy, Jennifer Nelson, Yvonne Salazar, Sandra Tacy, Roxanne Zola.
Not present: Mark Bruno, Heidi Bushway, Lisa Celone, Aarron Clough, Michael Devins, Theresa D’Orsi, Teoby Gomez, David Knox, Sarah Kidder LaBombard, Linda Lagasse, Sheila Laplante, Ann Lavanway, Louise Moon, Andrew Perkins, Lincoln Schwarz, Monica Wilson.

30-year honorees: David Bibeau, David Collins, Tricia Cornelius, Cheryl Coutermarsh, Jeannette Crary, Cynthia Crutchfield, Suzette Fegan, Lesa Knapp, Lisa Ladd, Cindi Mansell, Arlene Marsh, Kenneth Mastro, Janice McEwan, Mary Ann Milanese, Kelly Mousley, Paul Rivers, Young Shing, Barbara Sterling, Lisa Thum, Robert Wagner.
Not present: Elizabeth Bankert, Eric Bivona, Kenneth Brooks, Randy Brown, Derrol Carter, Terri Crane, James Cross, Carol Gage, Robyn Hadlock, William Hoehl Sr., Rick Hoisington, Bobby Ignjatovic, Marcia Craig Jacobs, Maninder Rakhra, Nicole Richer-Maloney, Sylvia Wilcox.

35-year honorees: Kathleen Decato, Catherine Henault, Pamela Lyman, Barbara MacAdam, Richard Rossoll, Carl Thum.
Not present: Rene Dauphinais, Jeffrey Frechette, Kathy Green, Marie Guerin, Gary Hutchins, Susan Martin, I-Chao Wei, Betty Wilson.

40-year honorees: Robert Ceplikas, Cecile Menard, Tammy Stebbins.

45-year honorees: Todd Minsk, Paul Tougas.
Not present: Debra Fisk.
William Platt can be reached at