COVID-19 Testing Site Moving to Leverone Field House

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The field house will have two entrances, one for employees and one for all students.

Photo by Eli Burakian ’00 

The location for COVID-19 testing will move to Leverone Field House on Monday, COVID-19 task force co-chairs Lisa Adams and Josh Keniston told faculty, students, and staff in an email today.

The field house will have two entrances, one for employees and one for all students—undergraduates and graduate and professional students. Dartmouth’s virus testing partner, Axiom Medical, will staff the test site, eliminating the need for employee volunteers. Students and employees taking the test will administer the nasal swabs themselves, with testing staff observing to be certain the test are done accurately.

Dartmouth will offer testing one day a week at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center for employees and students who are based on the Lebanon campus.

All students living on campus and in the Upper Valley will be tested weekly. The cost of the testing will be covered by Dartmouth. Students and employees will receive an email telling them to register for testing appointments.

All employees who work on campus will be tested. Employees who work on-site, and those who have a high level of interaction with students and staff will be tested weekly. Others will be tested less frequently.

Adams and Keniston reminded all members of the community approved to work or study on campus to complete the daily Temperature and Self-Assessment health screening, which involves taking their temperature on each day they expect to enter a campus building. Non-contact thermometers have been installed at 32 campus locations for those who do not have a thermometer.

Adams and Keniston also reminded students and employees to remember to get annual flu shots.

“Together, we can create a successful and healthy year for everyone at Dartmouth. Thank you for doing your part to protect yourself and our community,” they said.

For the latest information on Dartmouth’s response to the pandemic visit the COVID-19 website.

Susan Boutwell can be reached at

Susan J. Boutwell