Dartmouth’s Mosel Runs 100 miles, Raises Flag to Honor Veterans

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Jason Mosel, a Marine veteran and a network engineer for Information, Technology, and Consulting, ran 100 miles around campus.

To promote a new Employee Resource Network for the veteran community at Dartmouth, Jason Mosel, a Marine veteran and a network engineer for Information, Technology and Consulting, ran 100 miles around campus to honor the Marine Corps birthday and Veterans Day.

Mosel started running at 8 a.m. Tuesday, following a 5-mile loop around campus. Throughout the day Tuesday, Mosel ran with the Marine Corps flag, and on Wednesday he carried the American flag. Mosel ran through the night, paused to raise the American flag on the Green at dawn today, and completed his 100-mile run at noon.

Sponsored by the Office of Institutional Diversity and Equity, Employee Resource Networks was established to advance recruitment efforts and increase retention of diverse employees at Dartmouth.

Jason Mosel running by the Green carrying the Marine Corps flag
Marine Corps veteran and Dartmouth employee Jason Mosel runs along the Green on Tuesday, the first day of his 100-mile run to bring attention to the Dartmouth’s new Employee Resource Network for veterans. (Photo by Eli Burakian ’00) 
Jason Mosel running on the Hanover Golf Course carrying the Marine Corps flag
Jason Mosel ran a 5-mile loop, encompassing the Green and a mixture of trails and roads, 20 times to reach his goal. (Photo by Eli Burakian ’00) 
Jason Mosel running over a bridge on the Hanover Golf Course carrying the Marine Corps flag
Throughout the day Tuesday, Jason Mosel carried the Marine Corps flag to honor the 245th birthday of the Corps. Mosel carried the American flag as he ran on Veterans Day. (Photo by Eli Burakian ’00) 
Jason Mosel running in Pine Park carrying the Marine Corps flag
Passing through woods, past Dartmouth landmarks and along roads and footpaths, Jason Mosel ran all day Tuesday, through the night and into the afternoon Wednesday to reach his 100-mile goal. (Photo by Eli Burakian ’00) 
Jason Mosel holding an American flag on the Green
Jason Mosel pauses at dawn on Veterans Day. (Photo by Robert Gill) 
Jason Mosel helping to raise the American flag on the Green
Jason Mosel prepares to raise the American flag over the Green just after dawn on Veterans Day. (Photo by Robert Gill) 
Jason Mosel helping to raise the American flag on the Green
Surrounded by supporters, Jason Mosel raises the flag. (Photo by Robert Gill) 
Jason Mosel raises the American flag to the top of the pole.
The flag at full-staff on Veterans Day morning. (Photo by Robert Gill) 
Jason Mosel and his wife carry the American flag around Occom Pond
Amber Mosel and her husband, Jason Mosel, pass Occom Pond on the final stretch. “What I hoped to show people with this run was what you’re capable of when you make your why greater than your excuse to quit,” Jason Mosel said after crossing the finish line just after 1 p.m. on Wednesday. (Photo by Eli Burakian ’00) 
Jason Mosel carries the American flag around Occom Pond with his wife.
Amber Mosel provided support for the full 100 miles and the two finished the last leg side-by-side. (Photo by Eli Burakian ’00) 
Jason Mosel carries the American flag past Carson Hall with his wife
Jason and Amber Mosel run the last lap of the 100-mile trip. Jason was joined on short sections by students, staff, and friends and was met by honking horns of support all along the way. (Photo by Eli Burakian ’00) 
Jason Mosel walks by the Green carrying the American flag.
Jason Mosel during his 2020 run. (Photo by Eli Burakian ’00)