More news Videos Highlights from Summer Term 2021News subtitleThe Dartmouth community made the most of the outdoors this summer.Video 9/1/2021From yoga on Baker Lawn to paddleboarding on the Connecticut River, students enjoyed an array of outdoor activities on campus and around the Upper Valley this summer. Office of Communications Share thisFacebookTwitterEmail ArticlesAcross the Schools, a New Year Gets UnderwayDate9/17/2024Body Orientations included tours, team-building, and a focus on respectful communication.ImageThumbnail ArticlesDartmouth Details Expansive Vision for Undergrad HousingDate9/17/2024Body Gina and Tom Russo donate $30 million to spur campaign for new student residences.ImageThumbnail
ArticlesAcross the Schools, a New Year Gets UnderwayDate9/17/2024Body Orientations included tours, team-building, and a focus on respectful communication.ImageThumbnail
ArticlesDartmouth Details Expansive Vision for Undergrad HousingDate9/17/2024Body Gina and Tom Russo donate $30 million to spur campaign for new student residences.ImageThumbnail