Community Invited to Mark the Launch of Toward Equity

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The program will include an overview and discussion of the new DEIB strategic plan.

Aerial photo of snowy Dartmouth campus
(Photo by Chris Johnson)

The community is invited to a discussion of Toward Equity: Aligning Action and Accountability, a three-year strategic plan that is expanding and unifying efforts around diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging at Dartmouth.

The event, which takes place at 4 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 31, in the Grand Ballroom at the Hanover Inn, will include brief remarks from President Philip J. Hanlon ’77 and an interactive presentation and discussion led by Senior Vice President and Senior Diversity Officer Shontay Delalue and Chloe Poston, associate vice president for strategic initiatives in Institutional Diversity and Equity.

A reception will follow. Registration is required.

“Toward Equity is a living document with clear accountability that is fundamentally about continuing to build a foundation to make Dartmouth more inclusive,” Delalue says. “We believe including the Dartmouth community as a part of the official launch is critical, and beyond the launch IDE will be implementing surveys and assessments throughout the duration of the plan to be informed by community voice.”

Toward Equity outlines a cohesive approach to DEIB work across Dartmouth. The plan consists of four foundational elements—institutional definitions, development of an institutional climate survey, assessment and alignment of institutional resources dedicated to DEI, and a repositioning of the Division of Institutional Diversity and Equity to best support the entire campus—as well as 15 strategic actions. The actions are organized under four priority areas: coordination, structure, accountability, and assessment.

One or more members of the Dartmouth Senior Leadership Group is noted as an accountable leader for each of these actions, and the plan provides metrics that will be used to measure progress and outcomes.

The Toward Equity plan was published in November after more than 15 months of engagement with faculty, students, staff, and alumni.

To learn more, read the full Toward Equity plan.

Office of Communications