‘Lost Girl’ at Theater on Currier

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The Department of Theater’s production told the story of Wendy Darling after her adventures with Peter Pan.

Lost Girl, the Department of Theater’s fall MainStage production, played recently at Theater on Currier.

It’s a coming-of-age story chronicling the life of Wendy Darling in the years following her adventures with Peter Pan and starred Julia Zichy ’27 as Wendy.

Person under blue lights
Grace Casale ’26 waits backstage for her cue during tech rehearsal. (Photo by Katie Lenhart)
Lead for Lost Girl at onstage window
Julia Zichy ’27, playing Wendy, looks out the window for Peter Pan. (Photo by Kata Sasvari)
Students performing Lost Girl
Rhett Williams ’26, Grace Casale ’26, and Liam O’Brien ’27 as some of the Lost Boys. (Photo by Kata Sasvari)
Student working tech backstage Lost Girl
Stage manager Caileigh Dowell ’24 makes notes during the technical rehearsal. (Photo by Katie Lenhart)
Students acting onstage during Lost Girl
Hannah Brooks ’26, Sydney Hassell ’24, and Taylor Hickey ’23 as different versions of Wendy from her past. (Photo by Kata Sasvari)
Lead for Lost Girl backstage
Julia Zichy ’27 waits for her entrance during technical rehearsal. (Photo by Katie Lenhart)
Student actors onstage performing Lost Girl
Grace Casale ’26 as the doctor, Sydney Hassell ’24, and Hannah Brooks ’26 surround Julia Zichy ’27’s Wendy. (Photo by Kata Sasvari)
Students acting onstage during Lost Girl
Tristyn Girouard ’27 as Nina talks to Julia Zichy 27’s Wendy. (Photo by Kata Sasvari)