More news Articles Jesse Shipley Explores Ghana’s Anti-Imperial CultureNews subtitleThe African and African American Studies professor will discuss his Routes of Rebellion exhibit this week.ImageImage Mohammed Ben Abdallah from Anatomy of a Revolution by Jesse Weaver Shipley, 2023 1/15/2024BodyThe African and African American Studies professor will discuss his Routes of Rebellion exhibit this week. Arts and SciencesShare thisFacebookXEmail QuotedQuoteAutocracy is on the rise, but it’s not happening with tanks in the streets or generals in uniform announcing takeovers on television.BylineElizabeth Shackelford, senior policy director, John Sloan Dickey Center for International Understanding | AttributionChicago TribuneDate3/10/2025 ArticlesAdam Grant Says It’s Good to Rethink About ThingsDate3/10/2025Body The organizational psychologist encourages people to reexamine assumptions.ImageThumbnail
QuotedQuoteAutocracy is on the rise, but it’s not happening with tanks in the streets or generals in uniform announcing takeovers on television.BylineElizabeth Shackelford, senior policy director, John Sloan Dickey Center for International Understanding | AttributionChicago TribuneDate3/10/2025
ArticlesAdam Grant Says It’s Good to Rethink About ThingsDate3/10/2025Body The organizational psychologist encourages people to reexamine assumptions.ImageThumbnail