Dartmouth and Pine Park Clarify Boundary Lines

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The Hanover Planning Board approved the minor lot line adjustment.

Hanover resident Kevin Clarkson enjoys a run through Pine Park with 2 dogs
Hanover resident Kevin Clarkson enjoys a run through Pine Park in mid-April with his dog Bernie. Sofie, in the foreground, had gone over to say hello. (Photo by Amy Bucci)

On April 2, the Hanover Planning Board approved a minor lot line adjustment between the Pine Park Association and Dartmouth that sets the boundary line between the approximately 100-acre park and Dartmouth.

The popular park, adjacent to the North End of Dartmouth’s campus, was created through acquisitions and a bequest more than 100 years ago. Many of the boundaries of individual parcels that make up the property were not well known or documented, while other lines were undefined or lost to time. Members of the association and Dartmouth have worked together to delineate the new boundary.

“We are glad to have the park’s boundaries fully surveyed and marked,” says Josh Keniston, senior vice president of capital planning and campus operations. “Pine Park is a wonderful resource for the greater Dartmouth-Hanover community and beyond.”

“A major objective of the Pine Park trustees for many years has been clarification of the boundaries, and closure of the golf course in 2020 provided the perfect opportunity to make it happen. We are looking forward to continuing the cooperative relationship in this negotiation with Dartmouth as we continue to restore the park,” says Linda Fowler, the association’s president.

The park is home to a number of well-used trails and is popular with cross country skiers in winter and walkers and runners in the warmer months. Most of the property’s western boundary is along the Connecticut River.

Adjusting the boundary involved small exchanges of property by both the association and Dartmouth along the park’s north and east lot lines to simplify and straighten out the boundary line.

Dartmouth transferred to Pine Park approximately 5.25 acres and Pine Park transferred to Dartmouth approximately 3.78 acres.

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