Fall Term at Dartmouth Begins

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Students across campus are back in class after orientations and a community lunch on the Green.

Students walking
Students walk on campus Monday morning, Sept. 16, as the fall term starts for undergraduates, Thayer, and Guarini students.. (Photo by Robert Gill)
Students in class
Students settle in to their new class environment. (Photo by Robert Gill)
People gathered at tables eating
Students, faculty, and staff enjoyed a great community cookout at lunch on Monday on the Green. (Photo by Robert Gill)
A view from above the community cookout at Dartmouth
An aerial view of the Green during the community cookout at Dartmouth on Monday, Sept. 16.  (Photo by Chris Johnson)
Emmanuel Dey and President Beilock
Emmanuel Dey ’28 was one of several students who asked President Sian Leah Beilock if they could take a picture with her at the community cookout. (Photo by Katie Lenhart)
People gathering food at a cookout
Students help themselves at the cookout, which is held annually to mark the start of fall term. (Photo by Robert Gill)
Students painting
Members of the Tuck Class of 2026 participate in a Tuck Launch “Managing People” session in August led by professors Tianna Barnes and Dan Feiler. The students split up into sections to paint a mural as part of a team-building exercise. (Photo by Laura DeCapua)
Serrano family unpacking
Anjali Serrano ’27, in the white sneakers, moves into her dorm with the help of family members Arianna, Piedad, and Alex. (Photo by Robert Gill)
T'25 members of the Student Board
Tuck Class of 2025 members of the Student Board. (Photo by Laura DeCapua)
Guarini students
The Guarini School of Graduate and Advanced Studies holds a community barbecue for graduate students and postdocs on Thursday, Sept. 12. (Photo by Eli Burakian ’00)
MPH students
Students in Geisel’s Master of Public Health Program participate in their orientation. (Photo by Rob Strong ’04)
MPH students
MPH students at their Geisel orientation. (Photo by Rob Strong ’04)
Med students eating ice cream
Members of Geisel School of Medicine’s Class of 2028 enjoy an ice cream social at their orientation on Aug. 1. (Photo by Rob Strong ’04)
Geisel med students with ice cream
The ice cream was a hit with the Geisel students. (Photo by Rob Strong ’04)
Students learn about the HOP Fellows program
Emmanuel Uyigue ’28, Diego Turrubiartes ’28, and Promita Sikder ’28 learn about the the Hop Fellows Program during academic open houses. (Photo by Katie Lenhart)
Line of students
During the open houses on campus, the line was especially long for the film studies booth, where they were giving away free movie posters. (Photo by Katie Lenhart)
Jennifer Rosales
Jennifer Rosales, senior vice president for community and campus life, speaks with students and family members at the Native American Program welcome dinner. (Photo by Robert Gill)
Master of engineering management students talk
Thayer 2026 classmates Dyuti Bhalla, Nicole Chaora, and Jason Lee chat during a Master of Engineering Management Program orientation. (Photo by Robert Gill)
Graduate students at an activity fair
Andrew Moore, who is in the Master of Arts in Liberal Studies Program,  learns about the Dartmouth Writers Society during an activity fair for incoming graduate students. (Photo by Robert Gill)
Anabel Balala and Marvin Burns
Anabel Balala ’27 reviews course options with her undergraduate dean, Marvin Burns, during an advising session. (Photo by Robert Gill)