ArticlesA Groundswell of Group Giving Honors Buddy Teevens ’79Date12/18/2024Body Football alumni, classes, and friends rally to advance the late coach’s legacy.ImageThumbnail Alumni
QuotedQuoteShe gives an example of unmitigated Blackness. Of extraordinary authenticity. And also of confidence. She was reading, publishing, writing poetry by 18.BylineVievee Francis, professor of English and creative writing | AttributionKnox NewsDate12/17/2024
PhotosViews From the Green in December12/17/2024Description A seasonal blend of distinguished research and holiday spirit.ImageThumbnail
ArticlesDartmouth Makes Progress on Top Priorities in 2024Date12/17/2024Body It was a year marked by commitments to housing, sustainability, dialogue, and impact.ImageThumbnail
VideosVideo Highlights of the Year12/17/2024Description Enjoy clips from around campus in 2024.VideoCustom thumbnail
QuotedQuoteWhile AI has the potential to transform medical imaging, we must be cautious. These models can see patterns humans cannot, but not all patterns they identify are meaningful or reliable.BylinePeter Schilling ’97, assistant professor of orthopaedics | AttributionMedical EconomicsDate12/16/2024
ArticlesEarly Decision Applications Match Last Year’s Record VolumeDate12/16/2024Body Interest from high-achieving, lower-income students continues to be strong.ImageThumbnail
ArticlesApplication Period Opens for New Master of Energy Transition ProgramDate12/16/2024Body See a video about the new degree offered by the Irving Institute and Guarini.ImageThumbnail Irving Institute
QuotedQuoteIf you’re distracted, you will not be 100% dialed into the task. Leverage breathing and mindfulness to remain present and focused.BylineStephen Gonzalez, Assistant Athletics Director for Leadership and Mental Performance | AttributionRunner’s WorldDate12/13/2024
ArticlesMachine Learning Can Help Airlines Recover Faster After DisruptionsDate12/13/2024Body A Dartmouth Engineering study on routing and algorithms included work by an undergrad.ImageThumbnail Thayer