Dartmouth Experts
Dartmouth faculty and administrators are available for comment on various topics and current events. To connect with a Dartmouth expert, search the list below and contact media.relations@dartmouth.edu or the Office of Communications at 603-646-3625.
Andrew Campbell: ubiquitous computing, wireless networks, mobile computing, smartphones to improve people’s physical, emotional and mental health
Saeed Hassanpour: biomedical informatics, machine learning, AI for healthcare, medical imaging, digital pathology
Wojciech Jarosz: computer graphics, film and video animation
SouYoung Jin: video understanding, computer vision, machine learning, multimodal learning, cognitive science
David Kotz: mobile healthcare technology, security and privacy, wireless networks, smart home technology
Luis F. Alvarez León: economic geography, geographic information, geospatial technologies, self-driving cars and geospatial data, information policy, digital economy
Sarah Masud Preum: human-AI interaction, computational health, data science, natural language processing, conversational assistants, deep learning
Temiloluwa Prioleau: data science for health, mobile/wearable technology for healthcare
Dan Rockmore: complex systems, machine learning, networks, computational harmonic analysis
Soroush Vosoughi: social media analytics, machine learning, social cybersecurity, artificial intelligence
Yujun Yan: machine learning, graph/data mining, graph neural networks, interpretable machine learning, program understanding and synthesis
Yaoqing Yang: machine learning, 3D point clouds, statistical physics, loss landscape, neural-network weight analysis, information theory, coded computing
Jesse Casana: archaeology of the Middle East, cultural sites in Syria
Paul Christesen: Ancient Sparta, Greek athletics, Greek history and historiography, history of the Olympics
Mary Flanagan: digital humanities, games and psychology, human values in design
Jodie Mack: animation, animation history, avant-garde cinema
Jesse W. Shipley: new media and society, popular culture and politics, sovereignty, African politics
Patricia Anderson: childhood obesity and economics, unemployment insurance, food insecurity
Douglas Irwin: tariffs, U.S. trade policy, the WTO, the Great Depression
Andrew Levin: The Federal Reserve, the International Monetary Fund, monetary policy
Bruce Sacerdote: consumer prices and inflation, child and youth outcomes, peer effects, determinants of college-going
Christopher Snyder: economics of developing vaccines
Eric Zitzewitz: financial markets, investments, elections, forecasting
Francis Magilligan: global water resources, human impacts on watersheds, flood hydrology
Justin S. Mankin: climate impacts on people and ecosystems, extreme weather and climate, climate modeling, drought and ecohydrology
Mathieu Morlighem: polar climate change, Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets, sea-level rise, ice-ocean interactions, ice sheet modeling
Ross Virginia: Polar policy and environmental issues, ecosystem ecology, soil biogeochemical cycling, climate change in polar systems
Jonathan Winter: climate variability and change, climate impacts on water resources and agriculture, global climate model projections, hydroclimate
Matthew Ayres: population insect ecology, invasive species, mountain pine beetles
Celia Chen: ecology and evolutionary biology; mercury, PFAS, and metal/chemical contaminants in aquatic food webs
Kathryn Cottingham: ecology, public and environmental health, cyanobacteria blooms and toxins in lakes, dynamics of lake plankton and arsenic, effects of climate change and land-use change on lakes
Mary Lou Guerinot: molecular and cellular biology, especially metal uptake in crop plants
Robert Hawley: Antarctica, Greenland, ice sheets, glaciers, snow, geophysics
Meredith Kelly: climate change, glacial geologic studies, geomorphology
C. Robertson McClung: circadian rhythms, photorespiration, plant molecular genetics
Erich Osterberg: paleoclimatology, climate change, ice cores, atmospheric chemistry, snow and ice chemistry
Marisa Palucis: water on Earth and Mars, climate change on Earth and other planets
Donald Perovich: sea ice geophysics; the interaction of sunlight with ice and snow; the Arctic system and climate change
Caitlin Hicks Pries: ecosystem ecology, biogeochemistry, soil ecology and climate change
Tillman Gerngross: protein engineering; metabolic engineering; protein expression
Weiyang (Fiona) Li: energy materials; energy storage and conversion devices; batteries, fuel cells, and clean/renewable energy; electric car batteries
Lee Rybeck Lynd: use of nonedible plants to produce energy, microbial cellulose utilization
Geoffrey Parker: energy economics, policy, strategy, innovation, market structure & performance
Jason T. Stauth: power electronics that interface between solar panels, the grid, and devices that use energy; power electronics and electromechanical energy conversion
Charles R. Sullivan: power electronics that interface between solar panels, the grid, and devices that use energy; energy efficiency and renewable energy
Elizabeth J. Wilson: energy and environmental policy, climate change, public perception of emerging technologies, regulatory and legal analysis of emerging technologies
Lisa V. Adams: healthcare and COVID-19
Jacob Borodovsky: cannabis and byproducts; addiction; cannabis and mental health; effects of legalization on consumption; use among adolescents
Alan Budney: cannabis; vaping and edibles; strain potency; addiction and treatment; laws and regulatory science; cannabis and mental health; use in teens and young adults; patterns of use by social background and sex
Timothy Gardner: cannabis and pain management for acute and chronic pancreatitis; medical cannabis; pancreatic cancer; pancreatic disease and liver disease; medical education.
Laura Paulin: pulmonary and critical care medicine, air quality, humidity and excessive heat, environmental and occupational exposure to air pollution, asthma and COPD
Elizabeth A. Talbot: infectious disease, travel medicine, international health
Marvin Chochotte: slavery, revolutions, freedom, political violence against Black African descendants in the Americas, Haiti.
Matthew F. Delmont: African-American history, U.S. history, Black Lives Matter, civil rights, school desegregation, television, popular culture, media
Brooke Harrington: economic sanctions and the Russian financial system, Russian oligarchs, financial markets and offshore banking, wealth and taxation, professional misconduct, social movements
Jason Houle: student loan debt, household debt, foreclosure crisis, sociology of mental health
Sunmin Kim: race, immigration, minority politics, public opinion, policy preferences of Asian Americans, historical sociology
Eng-Beng Lim: Asian American studies; postcolonial/diaspora studies; ethnic studies; activism; diversity, equity, and inclusion
Darrin McMahon: French Revolution, European Enlightenment, intellectual and cultural history, history of genius, history of happiness
Jennifer M. Miller: international history, U.S. and the world, the Cold War, World War II in the Pacific, U.S.-Japanese relations, U.S.-East Asian relations, history of capitalism
Annelise Orleck: ethnicity and immigration in American history, women in politics, history of women’s rights, workplace equality
Kristin E. Smith: gender inequality, employment and earnings, work and family policy
Roberta Stewart: history of slavery, Roman history, ancient religion
Brad Duchaine: social perception, face perception/prosopagnosia, neuropsychology, cognitive genetics
Caroline Robertson: sensory perception and cognition in autism, Dartmouth Autism Research Initiative, early detection of autism
Thalia Wheatley: social psychology, especially human social intelligence
Stephen Brooks: international relations theory, international security, U.S. foreign policy, unipolarity and U.S. security
Melody Brown Burkins: Arctic science policy and diplomacy; global science and diplomacy, including sustainability, inclusion and gender equality initiatives
John Michael Carey: constitutions, elections, legislatures, Latin American politics, new democracies
Mia Costa: political representation, gender, voter mobilization
N. Bruce Duthu: American Indians and the law, tribal sovereignty and political relations
Victoria K. Holt: public policy, diplomacy, peacekeeping, conflict prevention, counter-terrorism, international security
Dean Lacy: electoral institutions and behavior, public opinion, political parties, Congress and the presidency, democratic theory
Jennifer Lind: Japan, U.S.-Korea relations and East Asian affairs
Jason Lyall: soldiers’ morale, military effectiveness, Russia, Afghanistan, international security, political violence, humanitarian assistance
Russell Muirhead: political parties and ideology, democracy and politics
Nicholas Miller: nuclear proliferation, international security, U.S. foreign policy
Herschel Nachlis: Health policy and politics, Food and Drug Administration (FDA), vaccine regulation, public policy
Brendan Nyhan: political misperceptions and conspiracy theories, political scandal and corruption, myths about flu vaccines, fake news
Benjamin A. Valentino: political violence, genocide, foreign policy
William C. Wohlforth: international relations theory, international security, U.S. foreign policy, unipolarity and U.S. security, Cold War and its end
Zahra Ayubi: Islam, Islam in America, gender in Islam, women and Islam, Muslim feminism, Islamic ethics, Islamic biomedical ethics
Randall Balmer: American religious history, evangelicalism in the U.S.
Susanna Heschel: Judaism, Nazi Germany, Jewish feminism, Abraham Geiger, Jewish views of Islam
Devin Singh: history of Christian thought, philosophy of religion, social ethics, sociology of markets and money, race and coloniality; religion, economics, and politics
Ivan Aprahamian: molecular switches and machines, fluorophores, sensors
Jeremy DeSilva: human evolution, Australopithecus, bipedalism, primate locomotion, foot functional anatomy, birth evolution
Nathaniel Dominy: human and nonhuman primate foraging ecology, sensory ecology and evolution, tropical plant-animal interactions
Feng Fu: mathematical biology, applied math, infectious diseases, cancer, evolutionary theory
Marcelo Gleiser: theoretical physics, especially cosmology, high-energy physics, complexity theory, astrobiology
Ryan Hickox: black holes, cosmic evolution of galaxies, large-scale structure of the Universe, neutron stars
Robyn Millan: space physics, X-rays produced in association with lightning, Earth’s radiation belts
Katherine Mirica: chemical sensors, portable devices, nanomaterials, adhesives, smart materials
Lorenza Viola: quantum theory, open quantum systems and irreversibility, quantum information and computation, quantum statistical mechanics
Peter Winkler: mathematical puzzles