Fireside Chat With Jessica Wilson, Author Activist and Dietitian

A moderated conversation about Jessica's efforts to amplify and celebrate the stories of Black Women's bodies. Register at

April 25, 2023
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Filene Auditorium, Moore Building
Sponsored by
Dick's House-Student Health Service
More information
Elizabeth Stahler

This Fireside Chat is part of a 2 day series of events on Nourishing Change: a Summit with Jessica Wilson on the intersection of anti-blackness, weight bias and disordered eating. Jessica Wilson is a registered dietitian, eating disorder specialist and community organizer whose work aims to address the relationship between anti-fatness and anti-blackness and while critiquing the fact that stories, voices and needs of black women have been absent from conversations about diet culture, health and wellness. In the vein of Tressie McMillan and Sonya Renee Taylor, Jessica’s work aims to amplify and uplift the stories of Black Women while calling attention to the racist roots of weight bias. In this Fireside Chat, Jessica will talk with Dr. La-Tarri Canty and Dr. Rachele Hall about her career, her book and her mission to amplify the voices of Black Women.

Filene Auditorium, Moore Building
Sponsored by
Dick's House-Student Health Service
More information
Elizabeth Stahler