Clean Energy Finance Bootcamp for Undergrads

Curtis Probst, CEO of the NYC Energy Efficiency Corporation, leads this two-day intensive for Dartmouth undergrads.

April 12, 2024
4 pm - 3 pm
Irving Institute for Energy and Society
Sponsored by
Arthur L. Irving Institute for Energy and Society
Registration required
More information
Megan Litwhiler

This bootcamp introduces the finance aspects of the clean energy economy. There is a focus on renewable energy generation, as mass electrification using clean generation sources is necessary to sustain our energy-dependent lives and economies, as well as energy efficiency. Finance will be discussed as a barrier to, or enabler of, greater adoption of clean energy.

Registration for the spring 2024 bootcamp is now closed, but you can email is you would like to be added to the wait list. 

Irving Institute for Energy and Society
Sponsored by
Arthur L. Irving Institute for Energy and Society
Registration required
More information
Megan Litwhiler