HopStop Family Workshop: Hip-Hop Poetry
Join us for a journey through spoken word, beats and movement.
Join us for a journey through spoken word, beats and movement.
Hop resident artist Aaron Jafferis uses spoken word to address social issues and engage communities through his work in hip-hop theatre, poetry and musicals. A former Open Rap Slam champion at the National Poetry Slam Championships, Aaron founded The Word, a poetry-in-the-schools program in New Haven, and teaches hip-hop theatre for liberation in schools, colleges and organizations nationwide.
In this workshop, young participants will first explore feeling-based poems and rap along with movements to tap into different emotions. The final part of the workshop focuses on creating a collective rap about various emotions.
This workshop is best suited for youth ages 7 and up, but children 5 or younger can participate with adult assistance.
This event is free and unticketed.