SPECIAL PERFORMANCE: “Call of Kinnaru: New Ancient Music”

John C. Franklin, Professor and Chair of Classics at the University of Vermont, and his four-piece group, The Call of Kinnaru, performs of notated music from antiquity.

March 8, 2024
5 pm - 7 pm
Hood Museum of Art
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Hood Museum of Art
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Randall Kuhlman

Join John C. Franklin, Professor and Chair of Classics at the University of Vermont, and his four-piece group, The Call of Kinnaru (voice, lyres, double-pipe [aulós], and frame-drum [týmpanon]), for a performance of notated music from antiquity and “new ancient music” for Euripides’ Helen and Aristophanes’ Clouds and Frogs. Includes discussion with the audience and reception in Russo Atrium. Space is limited; please click the registration link for this free program!

Supported in part by the “Ancient Worlds, Modern Communities” initiative of the Society for Classical Studies.

Hood Museum of Art
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Hood Museum of Art
More information
Randall Kuhlman