Visiting Professor of Business Administration Anant Sundaram is an expert in valuation and co-creator of a new valuation iPad app. (photo courtesy of Tuck School of Business)
An iPad app is now available to help investors determine the value of corporations.
Tuck School of Business Professor Anant Sundaram has collaborated with Aswath Damodaran of the NYU Stern School of Business to create an app called uValue, which is for all levels of investors.
“We created this app with two simple goals,” says Sundaram. “We wanted anyone who is keen to do a good valuation to have access to self-contained, fully functional tools to do so. Secondly, we wanted to offer a tool that is fundamentally educational. We often see that poor investment decisions start with poor valuations.”
Read the full press release, posted by the Tuck School of Business on 08/25/11.