The Right Way to Size Up the Competition for Your Product or Business (Fast Company)



Gregg Fairbrothers is the Director of the Dartmouth Entrepreneurial Network. (photo courtesy of Tuck School of Business)

Even if you think you know who your competition is, you may not.

As Gregg Fairbrothers writes for Fast Company, “Even if you can’t find anybody else who is doing what you’re doing, someone probably is thinking about it. And even if nobody is thinking about it, you’ll always have indirect competitors, including the status quo and your customers’ thrift.”

Fairbrothers, who is director of the Dartmouth Entrepreneurial Network and serves on the faculty at Tuck School of Business, is the author of the new book, From Idea to Success. His Fast Company article is an excerpt.

Read the full story, published by Fast Company on 08/31/11.

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