The Bretton Woods Conference: History and Legacy (NHPR)


In a story about the history and legacy of the 1944 Bretton Woods Conference, NHPR’s The Exchange turns to the Tuck School of Business’ Matthew Slaughter for his insights about the conference, which developed the financial framework for the post-World War II world.

“It was a very unsure time in the world, and yet you had a set of countries that came together that were thinking creatively: They were collaborating and they were thinking about the long term,” Slaughter, the associate dean for faculty at Tuck and the Signal Companies’ Professor of Management, tells NHPR’s Laura Knoy. “And I think a lot of us would agree that there is just a striking difference in the United States and a lot of other countries today, with the thinking of a lot of the policy-makers a little more partisan, a little more focused on the short term, and not quite as creative.”

Listen to the full story, broadcast 8/12/14 by NHPR.

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