Read the full story, published by The Dartmouth Institute.
Some of the most significant innovations in health care delivery are coming from physicians on the front lines. The Dartmouth Institute’s Chris Trimble has created a virtual seminar series designed to spotlight the groundbreaking work of these physician innovators.
When people think innovation, they typically think of something big—big and very high-tech or big and bursting with (big) data. However, for Trimble, who has spent close to 20 years studying innovation inside of established organizations, innovation in health care has become synonymous with physician leadership. According to him, many of the most powerful advances in the field of medicine are coming not from new drugs or devices, but from innovations in health care delivery. Although all health professionals can be innovators, Trimble says some of the greatest opportunities for improvement will remain out of reach without physician leadership on the front lines.
On his website and in his 2015 book, How Physicians Can Fix Health Care: One Innovation at a Time, Trimble seeks out and meticulously tells the stories of physician innovators around the country. To further highlight the work of these innovators and encourage other clinicians around the country to initiate similar projects, Trimble, who is also on the faculty at the Tuck School of Business, has created a virtual seminar series. Each one-hour seminar is highly interactive, and in order to encourage participation and inspire thought-provoking questions, Trimble publishes an article describing the basics of the innovation a few weeks before each seminar. The first seminar, on April 28, featured the works of Dr. Robert Graham of Boston Children’s Hospital, whose team serves children dependent on ventilators with personal care in the home or over an Internet video connection.