Live Stream of Inauguration Panel Discussions

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Watch Dartmouth policy experts discuss the incoming Trump administration.


As inauguration day approaches, Dartmouth policy experts will gather for a series of panel discussions on the “opportunities and risks” of the Trump presidency. The four-day series includes discussions of domestic issues, foreign policy, changes to the Affordable Care Act, and energy and the environment under the new administration. Below, see details of each discussion and watch live.

Domestic Issues: Governance, Immigration, Education, and the Budget

Tuesday, Jan. 17
4-5:30 pm
Georgiopoulos Classroom, Raether Hall at Tuck

Panelists: Dean Lacy, chair and a professor of government; Richard Wright, a professor of geography and the Orvil Dryfoos Professor of Public Affairs; Andrew Samwick, the Sandra L. and Arthur L. Irving ’72a P’10 Professor of Economics and director of the Nelson A. Rockefeller Center for Public Policy; Elizabeth Cascio, an associate professor of economics

Moderator: Matthew Slaughter, the Paul Danos Dean of the Tuck School and the Earl C. Daum 1924 Professor of International Business

Global Issues: Terrorism and the Middle East, Great Powers, Russia and China, and Trade

Wednesday, Jan. 18
4-5:30 pm
Haldeman 041 at Haldeman Center

Panelists: Doug Irwin, the John Sloan Dickey Third Century Professor in the Social Sciences; Jennifer Lind, an associate professor of government; William Wohlforth, a professor of government and the Daniel Webster Professor; Daniel Benjamin, the Norman E. McCulloch Jr. Director of the John Sloan Dickey Center for International Understanding

Moderator: Peter Fisher, a senior lecturer and senior fellow, Tuck Center for Business, Government & Society

Health Policy: The Future of the Affordable Care Act and Other Possible Changes to Health Policy

Thursday, January 19
4-5:30 pm
Georgiopoulos Classroom, Raether Hall at Tuck

Panelists: Elliott Fisher, director of the Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice and the John E Wennberg Distinguished Professor of Health Policy, Medicine and Community and Family Medicine at the Geisel School of Medicine; Jon Skinner, the James O. Freedman Presidential Professorship, a professor of economics and a professor of community and family medicine; Ellen Meara, a professor of The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice; Aaron Kaplan, aprofessor of medicine, director of the Dartmouth Device Development Symposia, and director of clinical research, cardiovascular medicine at Geisel

Moderator: Bob Hansen, the Norman W. Martin 1925 Professor of Business Administration at Tuck

Energy and Environmental Issues: the Clean Power Plan, the Future for Renewables, Fossil Fuels, and Nuclear Power, and Climate Policy

Friday, January 20
4-5:30 pm
Georgiopoulos Classroom, Raether Hall, Tuck School

Opening Remarks: Matthew Slaughter, the Paul Danos Dean of Tuck and the Earl C. Daum 1924 Professor of International Business

Panelists: Geoff Parker, a professor of engineering and director of the Master of Engineering Management Program at Thayer School of Engineering; Erin Mansur, Revers Professor of Business Administration and faculty director of the Revers Center for Energy at Tuck; Bob Wallace, president and CEO of BithEnergy and BithGroup Technologies; and D.G. Webster, an associate professor of environmental studies

Moderator: Joe Helble, dean of Thayer and a professor of engineering

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