Tanvi Nayar, Tuck ’18: An Ambassador for the Business School

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Nayar discusses being a school ambassador, and what made her feel instantly at home at Tuck.

Tanvi Nayar
“Post-graduation I plan on pursuing a career in management consulting,” says Tanvi Nayar, Tuck ’18. (Photo courtesy of the Tuck School of Business) 

Read the full story, published by the Tuck School of Business.

The Tuck School of Business’ Student Ambassador Team collaborates with the admissions office to share their Tuck experience with prospective students. The team is structured by geographical region, with an SAT captain leading each. Meet Tanvi Nayar, Tuck ’18, an India team co-captain.

Question: Tell us a little bit about yourself.

Answer: Imagine leaving the comfort of your home, and the warmth and love of your parents at the tender age of 6 years. Imagine getting lost in a remote island where you don’t speak the local language. Imagine sky diving from 12,000 feet when you fear heights. That’s me: constantly learning, trying new things, breaking stereotypes, and loving life. Originally from Haryana, India, I lived in Philadelphia for the last 10 years, working in the fintech (financial technology) industry. Post-graduation I plan on pursuing a career in management consulting.

Question: Everyone at Tuck chooses a different path. What’s your life at Tuck like?

Answer: My life at Tuck revolves around academics, recruiting, friends, attending fun events and classes within Tuck and larger Dartmouth community, and coffee. I also try to squeeze in a few minutes for my family back home to Skype and share my experiences with them every day.

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