Kudos: Excellence in Innovation, Research, and Entrepreneurship

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Honors go to Jamie Coughlin, Sue Mehrer, and Daryl Press.

an iron bannister in Baker Library with the letters D and C worked in a fancy script
(Photo by Eli Burakian ’00) 

Kudos is an occasional column that recognizes Dartmouth faculty, students, and staff who have received awards or other honors. Did you or a colleague recently receive an award or honor? Please tell us about it: dartmouth.news@dartmouth.edu.

Dartmouth has been awarded an inaugural Amazon Alexa Fund Innovation Fellowship for the 2019 academic year, recognizing that the College’s entrepreneurial network inspires its faculty and student entrepreneurs to develop innovations that incorporate voice technology. Jamie Coughlin, director of the Magnuson Family Center for Entrepreneurship, has been named the 2018-19 Alexa Fund Innovation Fellow. 

The Amazon award will include work at the Magnuson center and the Dartmouth Applied Learning and Innovation Lab (DALI). The DALI work will support entrepreneurs at Dartmouth who want to enhance and build their products with voice technology. It will also support Dartmouth Entrepreneurial Network (DEN) founder grants and DEN and DALI pitch competition awards for startups that incorporate voice technology in their innovation, and DALI projects that integrate voice technology in their solutions.


Sue Mehrer, Dean of Libraries, has been elected to serve a three-year term on the NorthEast Research Libraries Consortium (NERL) executive committee. NERL comprises 30 core member academic research libraries and over 110 affiliate member academic and/or research libraries. Its goal, as stated on its website, is “to foster and support the educational and research missions of its member institutions by coordinating, consolidating, and negotiating the best possible licensing terms and prices for electronic resources.” Before joining Dartmouth last year, Mehrer served as deputy university librarian at the University of Cambridge, England.


Daryl Press, an associate professor of government, has received the American Political Science Association (APSA) award for best article on international security published in 2017. The award cites his article “The New Era of Counterforce: Technological Change and the Future of Nuclear Deterrence,” published in International Security. The International Security organized section of APSA best-article honors are awarded in recognition of “the best peer-reviewed articles in the field of international security and security studies,” writes award committee member Jacqueline Hazelton of the Naval War College.

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