ArticlesA Big Green Welcome: Family Weekend Is Sept. 29-Oct. 1Date9/6/2023Body The schedule includes open houses, music, and a conversation with President Beilock.ImageThumbnail
ArticlesMcGuire Prizewinner On Campus for Climate and Energy WeekDate9/6/2023Body Energy expert Rose Mutiso ’08, Thayer ’08, will give a public talk on Oct. 12.ImageThumbnail
ArticlesOur Shoulders and Elbows Began as Brakes for Climbing ApesDate9/5/2023Body Study introduces ‘downclimbing’ from trees as a driver in early-human evolution.ImageThumbnail
PhotosOrientation Is Off to a Good Start9/5/2023Description New students say goodbye to parents, meet new friends, unpack, and get to know campus.ImageThumbnail
QuotedQuoteThis was an insider perspective; it was on our side of the line. Up until then, what I’d been exposed to was from Hollywood. It was a lot of feathers.BylineTracey Deer ’00, Mohawk filmmaker | AttributionThe WalrusDate9/5/2023
VideosHighlights of the Summer on Campus9/5/2023Description Dartmouth students who were here enjoyed a mixture of classwork and camaraderie.VideoCustom thumbnail
ArticlesExploring the Life and Death of StarsDate9/5/2023Body Astronomy professor John Thorstensen leads FSP students in South Africa in the hunt for an unusual class of stars.ImageThumbnail Arts and Sciences
QuotedQuoteWhether you’re a pro golfer taking a putt you’ve practiced a million times, or pitching to a client after prepping for hours, you’re better off focusing on the outcome than every detail of what you are doing.BylineSian Leah Beilock, Dartmouth president and cognitive scientist | AttributionHuffPostDate9/1/2023
ArticlesThrift Store With Free Clothing Opens on CampusDate9/1/2023Body The student-run operation offers affordability while targeting the waste stream.ImageThumbnail
ArticlesCan Facts Reverse the Backlash to Globalization?Date9/1/2023Body Free trade is under attack. Davin Chor studied whether evidence-based information could change the narrative.ImageThumbnail Tuck