ArticlesDartmouth Repatriates Headdress to Gitxaała NationDate5/17/2023Body The ceremony was held on the Dartmouth Green at the start of Powwow.ImageThumbnail
VideosEngineering Students Build Electric Race Car 5/17/2023Description The Dartmouth Formula Racing team competed at the Formula Hybrid+Electric event.VideoCustom thumbnail
PhotosPowwow and Lūʽau 20235/16/2023Description The Dartmouth community celebrated the 51st annual Powwow on Saturday and Lūʽau on Sunday.ImageThumbnail
ArticlesTen Staff Members Receive Lone Pine Recognition AwardsDate5/16/2023Body A ceremony and reception honored the employees and their contributions to Dartmouth.ImageThumbnail
QuotedQuoteThere’s the role for the athletic trainer, to say, ‘That person’s not behaving correctly. I need to pull them and declare them ineligible for the remainder of the contest.’BylineKristine Karlson, team physician and associate professor of community and family medicine | AttributionConcord MonitorDate5/16/2023
ArticlesWhen Musical Instruments ‘Talk’Date5/16/2023Body Linguist Laura McPherson studies how some cultures embed language into instrumental music.ImageThumbnail Arts and Sciences
ArticlesInauguration of Sian Leah Beilock Set for Sept. 22Date5/15/2023Body The president-elect will start work at Dartmouth on June 12.ImageThumbnail
QuotedQuoteIt’s really important to tell the kids what they could potentially do and other avenues they can do in the future. Information is power, so that’s what I really like about this program.BylineBianca Romo, Guarini PhD student | AttributionNBC5Date5/15/2023
ArticlesThe Hop Launches Second Music Mexico Symposium in HoustonDate5/15/2023Body Dartmouth teams up with the University of Houston for event exploring Mexican music.ImageThumbnail
QuotedQuoteAll of these ocean currents, air currents, ice pack—the Arctic is a part of the global temperature system. And as it goes, so goes the world.BylineMelody Brown Burkins, Guarini ’95, ’98, director, Institute of Arctic Studies | AttributionMother JonesDate5/12/2023