ArticlesSpring Break in Washington: Vets Spread Word About DartmouthDate4/23/2014Body For three members of the Dartmouth Undergraduate Veterans Association (DUVA), spring break 2014 meant visits to four military bases and two...
ArticlesDo False Positives Scare Women Away From Mammograms? (CBS News)Date4/23/2014Body A new study indicates that false-positive mammograms do not affect a woman’s overall well-being, Professor Anna Tosteson tells CBS News. In...
ArticlesDartmouth Students Strike It Big With NSF FellowshipsDate4/22/2014Body Eighteen Dartmouth students and alumni have received prestigious National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowships (GRF) for...
ArticlesAlumnus Wins Prestigious History Prize for First BookDate4/22/2014Body Geraldo Cadava ’00 won the 2014 Frederick Jackson Turner Award for his book “Standing on Common Ground: The Making of the Sunbelt Borderland...
ArticlesDartmouth Fencers Win National ChampionshipDate4/22/2014Body By Dana Cook Grossman In 1914, the poet Robert Frost, Class of 1896, hailed good fences. Exactly a hundred years later, Dartmouth is...
ArticlesBlanchflower Says Fed Must Focus on Wages (Bloomberg) Date4/22/2014Body As a guest on Bloomberg Radio’s “Bloomberg Surveillance,” Dartmouth’s David Blanchflower, the Bruce V. Rauner Professor of Economics, talks...
ArticlesCombating Sexual Assault Is Focus of ‘Campus Conversation’Date4/21/2014Body The next “Moving Dartmouth Forward” community discussion, set for Tuesday, April 22, will explore ways to combat sexual assault at Dartmouth...
ArticlesHanlon Could Give Us All a Lesson (The Washington Post)Date4/21/2014Body “If you are the proud parent of a Dartmouth student, you should send a thank-you note to President Philip Hanlon. Actually, if you are the...
ArticlesDartmouth Engineering Dean Named to N.H. STEM Task ForceDate4/21/2014Body Joseph Helble is the dean of Thayer School of Engineering. (Photo by John Sherman/Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth) Joseph Helble...
ArticlesTV Producer Shonda Rhimes ’91 to Speak at CommencementDate4/21/2014Body Shonda Rhimes ’91, the creative force behind several acclaimed television series, including the current ABC hit Scandal, will deliver the...