ArticlesHow Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer Was Born (Parade)Date12/18/2013Body Many have heard of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, but fewer know that Rudolph was created by Robert May, Dartmouth Class of 1926. May...
ArticlesPart Three: In the Classroom and BeyondDate12/17/2013Body This is the third in a three-part series about professors and their work. Here’s a look at part one and part two . “I’m interested in...
ArticlesVideo: Students Give Big Thumbs-Up to First-Year TripsDate12/17/2013Body First-Year Trips are a student-run, five-day orientation for incoming first-year students. Run by the Dartmouth Outing Club since 1935, the...
ArticlesFormer Dartmouth Goalie First Woman in MLL (Bloomberg)Date12/17/2013Body Former Big Green women’s lacrosse goalie Devon Wills ’06 is the first woman to sign with a Major League Lacrosse (MLL) team, Bloomberg...
ArticlesHere’s a Chance to Ask Those College Application QuestionsDate12/17/2013Body How can I make my personal statement stand out? How important are teacher recommendations? Do my grades have to be perfect? If questions...
ArticlesPart Two: In the Classroom and BeyondDate12/16/2013Body This is the second in a three-part series about professors and their work. Here’s a look at part one and part three. Associate Professor of...
ArticlesGlobal Policy Students Take Their Studies to IndiaDate12/16/2013Body It’s one thing to work in a Dartmouth classroom to understand the issues surrounding economic reform in a nation as complex as India. It is...
ArticlesHow to Have a ‘Brain Orgasm’ (The Atlantic)Date12/16/2013Body Julie Beck of The Atlantic writes that there is currently no published research on so-called “brain orgasm,” or autonomous sensory meridian...
Articles‘Report Card’ on 2013 Arctic Sea Ice (BBC)Date12/16/2013Body With last week’s release of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s annual Arctic Report Card, the BBC turned to Donald...
ArticlesDartmouth Faculty: In the Classroom and BeyondDate12/15/2013Body From the classroom to the lab and the library, Dartmouth faculty members embody an ethos that melds research and teaching, twin disciplines...