ArticlesMaps That Could Help Solve the World’s Problems (Wired)Date11/14/2013Body Wired writes about five maps that can “help solve some of the world’s most daunting problems,” highlighting the work of the Dartmouth Atlas...
ArticlesOlmert Says the Time Is Now for a Palestinian StateDate11/13/2013Body Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert’s November 12 Dartmouth address has sparked a response from the government of his successor...
ArticlesYoung Alumni Create Blossoming StartupDate11/13/2013Body Branko Cerny ’13 had it all. He had a diploma from Dartmouth, a job at Google, and a new start in San Francisco. But he also had an idea...
ArticlesThe Economic Shorthand of Hawks and Doves (Marketplace)Date11/13/2013Body In a story examining the difference between political hawks and doves and how each viewpoint may affect current economic policy, Marketplace...
ArticlesAmber Porter ’14 Gets a Big Opportunity in ‘Big Love’Date11/12/2013Body Amber Porter ’14 is not your typical theater student. A theater major modified with leadership, she has been involved in every main stage...
ArticlesTips for Receiving Better Cancer Care Near Life’s End (PBS)Date11/12/2013Body A study from the Dartmouth Atlas Project found that care for patients with advanced cancer varies greatly depending on where the patients...
ArticlesWren: Patriotic Bling (VPR)Date11/12/2013Body In a Veteran’s Day commentary piece on VPR, Christopher Wren ’57, an instructor in the Master of Arts in Liberal Studies program at...
ArticlesDartmouth Leads the Ivies in Study AbroadDate11/11/2013Body Dartmouth is the top-ranked Ivy League institution and sixth overall among doctorate-granting institutions for percentage of undergraduates...
Articles The World’s Most Influential Business Thinkers 2013 (Forbes)Date11/11/2013Body Vijay Govindarajan, the Earl C. Daum 1924 Professor of International Business at the Tuck School of Business, is No. 5 on the Thinkers50...
ArticlesDefending Dartmouth Against CybercrimeDate11/11/2013Body WikiLeaks’ release of classified government information and Edward Snowden’s exposé of National Security Agency files underscore the...