ArticlesHood Museum of Art Presents the Work of Fan TchunpiDate9/6/2013Body Fan Tchunpi (1898–1986) was one of the most important and prolific Chinese artists of the modern era, and the Hood Museum of Art will...
ArticlesPreview: Top 10 Best Value Schools (U.S. News & World Report)Date9/5/2013Body Dartmouth is one of the top 10 best-value schools in the nation, says U.S. News & World Report in its “sneak peek of the 2014 Best Colleges...
ArticlesSummer Reading Lecture Focuses on Timeless ThemesDate9/4/2013Body Members of the Dartmouth Class of 2017 are not back in class yet, but already they’re wrapping up their first college assignment. First-year...
ArticlesRemaking a Classic (The Scientist)Date9/4/2013Body Biotechnology companies like those started by Dartmouth’s Tillman Gerngross continue to develop new ways to discover and engineer antibodies...
ArticlesDartmouth College’s New President Settles In (Valley News)Date9/3/2013Body In a story about President Phil Hanlon’s first three months at Dartmouth, the Valley News writes that he and his wife, Gail Gentes, have...
ArticlesEvidence Found for Planet-Cooling Asteroid (Nature)Date9/3/2013Body Nature points to a new study co-authored by Dartmouth’s Mukul Sharma, a professor in the Department of Earth Sciences, that links the impact...
ArticlesDartmouth’s Organic Farm: ‘Students Are Our Crop’Date9/3/2013Body Nearly two decades ago, Director of Sustainability Rosi Kerr ’97 caught her first glimpse of the Dartmouth Organic Farm. “I was a rower, and...
ArticlesStudy Links Prehistoric Climate Shift, Cosmic ImpactDate9/2/2013Body For the first time, a dramatic climate shift that has long fascinated scientists has been linked to the impact in Quebec of an asteroid or...
ArticlesDartmouth at Telluride: Students and Alumni Are Film Festival FixturesDate8/30/2013Body In August 1974, when Bill and Stella Pence screened two silent films at an opera house in Telluride, Colo., that they had recently renovated...
ArticlesMicrobiome May Be Seeded Before Birth (The New York Times)Date8/30/2013Body As recently as the mid-2000s, medical school students were told that human beings, who carry about 100 trillion bacteria each, were bacteria...