ArticlesCould Kirsten Gillibrand Run for President? (Politico)Date5/2/2013Body In an article about Kirsten Gillibrand ’88, Politico discusses why many Democrats view the New York senator as a possible presidential...
Articles10 Years After ‘Mission Accomplished’ (The Atlantic)Date5/1/2013Body In a story in The Atlantic, President Emeritus James Wright discusses a debate “that still echoes” through the world: whether President...
ArticlesHow Can Games Contain and Convey Values? (Gamasutra)Date5/1/2013Body A blog on the website Gamasutra discusses how Professor Mary Flanagan and her Tiltfactor Laboratory “focus on games as agents of meaning and...
ArticlesMeasuring a College’s Worth: Grateful Grads Index (Forbes)Date5/1/2013Body [[{“type”:“media”,“view_mode”:“media_large”,“fid”:null,“attributes”:{“class”:“media-image alignright size-full wp-image-25476”,“typeof”...
ArticlesLeading Voices: Educational Innovator on the Fate of CollegesDate4/30/2013Body Georgia Institute of Technology Professor Richard DeMillo, a former chief technology officer for Hewlett-Packard, is the next “ Leading...
ArticlesAAAS Selects Phil Hanlon in 2013 Class of Fellows (Record Update)Date4/30/2013Body The American Academy of Arts and Sciences (AAAS), a prestigious society that recognizes individuals for their contributions in scholarly and...
ArticlesA Biologist Considers Apples and Oranges, Rice and RubberDate4/29/2013Body There is a scientific basis to the old adage “one rotten apple spoils the whole bunch,” says Dartmouth plant biologist Eric Schaller. "As an...
ArticlesOur Feel-Good War on Breast CancerDate4/29/2013Body [[{“type”:“media”,“view_mode”:“media_large”,“fid”:null,“attributes”:{“class”:“media-image alignright size-full wp-image-1606”,“typeof”:"foaf...
ArticlesBalance And ConfidenceDate4/29/2013Body This story was published in the Dartmouth College Fund’s Spring 2013 issue of GREEN at Dartmouth . Jordan Aré ’15, of Houston, Texas, is a...
ArticlesGays’ and Veterans’ Rights Leader Kicks Off Heritage MonthDate4/26/2013Body In 2009, Lt. Dan Choi, an Iraq veteran and a skilled Arabic speaker, was discharged from the U.S. Army for saying three words: “I am gay.”...