ArticlesDartmouth Professor Cynthia Huntington, Louise Erdrich ’76 Are National Book Award FinalistsDate10/17/2012Body Dartmouth Professor Cynthia Huntington received a phone call last week from the National Book Foundation informing her that Heavenly Bodies...
ArticlesKudosDate10/17/2012Body Kudos recognizes Dartmouth faculty and staff who have received an award or honor. Professor of Music Steve Swayne. (photo by Joseph Mehling...
ArticlesFolic Acid Doesn’t Cut Risk of Colon Polyps: Study (Reuters)Date10/17/2012Body [[{“type”:“media”,“view_mode”:“media_large”,“fid”:null,“attributes”:{“class”:“media-image alignright size-full wp-image-1608”,“typeof”:"foaf...
ArticlesYes Martha, It Was an Earthquake!Date10/17/2012Body Many of us felt it and more even heard the rumbling. At approximately 7:12 p.m. last evening (Tuesday, October 16), the ground shook...
ArticlesDartmouth Endowment Leads Ivy League With 5.8% Return (Bloomberg)Date10/17/2012Body Bloomberg reports that Dartmouth’s endowment had a 5.8 percent return on investments in fiscal year 2012, placing it at the No. 1 position...
ArticlesPodcast: Interview With Anthropologist Howard Morphy, Fall Term Montgomery FellowDate10/16/2012Body Listen to the podcast interview with Montgomery Fellow Howard Morphy. Anthropologist Howard Morphy will talk about his research in a public...
ArticlesFreeman Hrabowski, One of ‘TIME’s’ 2012 Most Influential People, Speaks October 23Date10/16/2012Body Freeman Hrabowski III, president of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC), will speak October 23 at Dartmouth as part of the...
ArticlesA 30-Year Bond Between Schools Remains Strong (China Daily)Date10/16/2012Body China Daily writes that during her visit to the country last month, President Carol L. Folt told an audience in Beijing that the 30-year...
ArticlesFormer Trustees to Alumni: Dartmouth Consistently Diligent on InvestmentsDate10/16/2012Body Dartmouth has always taken great care and diligence in overseeing its endowment, former Dartmouth Trustees Charles “Ed” Haldeman ’70 and T.J...
ArticlesProfessor Bafumi to Answer Questions About the Presidential DebatesDate10/16/2012Body “If there is a winner, it may be determined less by the candidates’ debate performance and more by the media coverage the debate receives...