
Go to DartHub and search for the Degree Application tile. Please be sure to complete the PRONUNCIATION section of the Degree Application (the PRONUNCIATION section is used by the Readers at the Commencement ceremony). Additionally, please be mindful of the deadlines for submitting your Degree Application, which can be found in the Registrar's Term Calendar. Contact the Undergraduate Deans Office if you have questions regarding the Degree Application.
Your name will appear exactly as you have listed it on your degree application. Students with special characters or diacritical marks in their name should contact the Undergraduate Deans Office to discuss the correct display of their name.
Students graduating in the spring and participating in the June ceremony will receive diplomas immediately after the Ceremony in Baker Main Hall. Diplomas for students graduating in the summer, fall, winter, or those who do not participate in the June ceremony will be sent to the diploma mailing address listed on your degree application.
Graduating students will pick up their diplomas at the following locations immediately after the ceremony, unless otherwise indicated:
Undergraduates: Reiss Hall, Baker-Berry Library until 2 p.m.
Geisel School of Medicine: Graduates will receive their diplomas at their Class Day ceremony.
Guarini School of Graduate and Advanced Studies (AM, MS and PhD):
Guarini School Office, Room 102, Anonymous Hall, 64 College St.
MALS: MALS Office, Room 315, Anonymous Hall, 64 College St.
MHCDS: diplomas will be mailed.
TDI: Graduates will receive their diplomas at their Class Day Ceremony.
Thayer School: Cummings, Great Hall until 2 p.m.
Tuck School: Stell Hall until 2 p.m.
Yes, cum laude, magna cum laude, and summa cum laude appear on diplomas.
The ORC (Organizations, Regulations, and Courses) has regulations that apply to the awarding of Latin honors for a Bachelor of Arts degree.
Undergraduate diplomas measure 16 inches wide x 12 inches tall.
English translation of Bachelor of Arts degree awarded by Dartmouth College
By the authority of the Trustees of Dartmouth College
To all who read this document, greetings:
Let it be known that we have decided to honor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
and in accord with his/her merits to decorate him/her with the title and rank of Bachelor of Arts
and that we have bestowed upon him/her the fullest power of enjoying all the privileges and
immunities and honors which everywhere on earth pertain to this same rank. Of which act let our
official seal and names be a witness.
Conferred from the halls of the College in Hanover, New Hampshire on the . . . . . day
of the month of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in the year . . . . . . .