New Faculty Bring Passion and Breadth of Knowledge

Dartmouth’s new tenured or tenure-track faculty members offer a range of expertise—from music to chemistry to business. 

The scope and intensity of academic inquiry that the new faculty members bring to Dartmouth become clear as the scholars talk about their work—whether it is a chemistry professor describing the vastness of protein structures or a music professor talking about the significance of viral YouTube videos. 

Of the group of tenured or tenure-track faculty, 24 join the Faculty of Arts and Sciences and six join the faculties at the Tuck School of Business and Thayer School of Engineering.

Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences Michael Mastanduno, the Nelson A. Rockefeller Professor of Government, says he is delighted about the passion and breadth of knowledge that these scholars have brought to the College.

“This is an extraordinarily talented group, with research interests and expertise that will surely engage and challenge Dartmouth students,” Mastanduno says.

The specialties the professors bring to the College span the liberal arts, the sciences, and the professional fields. They come to teach Dartmouth students about the fields they love, says Mastanduno.

Zenovia Toloudi, assistant professor of studio art, says her work draws on a spectrum of disciplines. “I am fascinated by how architecture as a field of knowledge gives the opportunity to creative thinkers to cultivate and combine multiple skills and interests towards a vision that aims to improve people’s surroundings,” she says.

Robert St. Clair, an assistant professor of French, says both teaching and learning a foreign language can be transformative. “In other words, if we accept that it’s largely by and through language that we are constituted, or undone, as subjects, then an apprenticeship in foreign languages is anthropological to the core, if not the very core of what it means to study the humanities at a university,” he says.

Many of these professors are excited about bringing their students into their research as they strive to find ways to improve the world. “In the classroom my main focus is how to teach students to think in sophisticated ways about image making in conversation with the contemporary art world, this through a medium that is in constant flux and is tangled up with infinite facets of culture,” says Christina Seely, an assistant professor of studio art. New faculty at Dartmouth, 2014-15 Arts and Sciences

  • William Cheng, Assistant Professor of Music
  • Diego Comin, Professor of Economics
  • Jeffrey Friedman, Assistant Professor of Government
  • Christian Haines, Assistant Professor of English
  • Laurence Hooper, Assistant Professor of Italian
  • Michael Hoppa, Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences
  • Eng-Beng Lim, Assistant Professor of Women’s and Gender Studies
  • Michael Lurie, Assistant Professor of Classics
  • Jaclyn Hatala Matthes, Assistant Professor of Geography
  • Laura McPherson, Assistant Professor of Linguistics and Cognitive Science
  • Darrin McMahon, Professor of History
  • Abigail Neely, Assistant Professor of Geography
  • Laura Ogden, Associate Professor of Anthropology
  • Michael Ragusa, Assistant Professor of Chemistry
  • Julie Rose, Assistant Professor of Government
  • Scott Sanders, Assistant Professor of French
  • Christina Seely, Assistant Professor of Studio Art
  • Robert Staiger, Professor of Economics
  • Robert St. Clair, Assistant Professor of French
  • Zenovia Toloudi, Assistant Professor of Studio Art
  • Matthijs van der Meer, Assistant Professor of Psychological and Brain Sciences
  • Emily Whiting, Assistant Professor of Computer Science
  • Thomas Youle, Assistant Professor of Economics
  • Paul Young, Associate Professor of Film and Media Studies

Thayer School of Engineering

  • John X.J. Zhang, Professor of Engineering

Tuck School of Business

  • Dirk Black, Assistant Professor of Business Administration
  • Daniel Feiler, Assistant Professor of Business Administration
  • Erin Mansur, Revers Professor of Business Administration
  • Felipe Severino, Assistant Professor of Business Administration
  • Anup Srivastava, Assistant Professor of Business Administration

See slideshow on Dartmouth’s flickr site. 

Bill Platt