The Alpha of New Hampshire Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa at Dartmouth welcomed 95 new members from the Class of 2019, and two from the Class of 2018, at its meeting and induction ceremony on June 8, in Spaulding Auditorium at the Hopkins Center for the Arts.
As marshal, Professor of Classical Studies Roberta Stewart led the procession of students into the auditorium.
Dennis Washburn, the Burlington Northern Foundation Professor in Asian Studies in Honor of Richard M. Bressler ’52, and associate dean of the faculty for interdisciplinary programs, welcomed the inductees and their families and friends.
As president of Dartmouth’s Phi Beta Kappa chapter, Washburn also chaired the meeting and administered the oath.
“I now ask you, in words first employed in 1779, and therefore venerable in the usages of our society, to affirm that you will, with all your possible efforts, endeavor to prove true, just, and deeply attached to this, our growing society. And in addition to this ancient pledge, do you affirm that in all your relations you will adhere to the principles of the philosophy which its founders accepted as the inspiration of life, namely, fraternity, morality, and literature?”
“I do,” the inductees answered.
Susannah Heschel, the Eli Black Professor of Jewish Studies, chair of the Jewish Studies Program, and an honorary Phi Beta Kappa member, is the vice president of Dartmouth’s Phi Beta Kappa Chapter. She gave a brief history of the Alpha of New Hampshire chapter of the society, which, established at Dartmouth in 1787, is the fourth-oldest chapter in the country. Membership is based on academic merit. The June inductees, at the time of graduation, had an average standing no lower than the average of that achieved by graduates within the top tenth of those graduating in the preceding three academic years.

In addition to the undergraduates, Howard Weinberg ’62 was inducted as an alumni member and Barbara Will, the A. and R. Newbury Professor of English and associate dean for the faculty of arts and humanities, was inducted as an honorary member.
Weinberg, who teared up while recalling how his father saved up money for his tuition, said that majoring in government at Dartmouth laid the foundation for his work in television journalism. Weinberg was the founding producer of The Robert MacNeil Report on PBS and a producer for CBS News Sunday Morning and 60 Minutes. His current project is Nam June Paik & TV Lab: License to Create, which chronicles television’s first digital revolution.
Will congratulated the graduating inductees for embodying the Phi Beta Kappa motto: “The love of learning is the guide of life.”
“It has meant committing yourself to learning in the face of myriad other attractions and distractions—in the face of envy, perhaps disillusion, even in the face sometimes of the dismissiveness of your peers,” she said. “Because simply studying hard without a love of learning will not have gotten you to the place you are today. You’ve worked hard to be here, but you’ve also done much more than this. You’ve infused this work with love, with profound interest and attention, and in so doing, your love of learning has blossomed and flowered.”
In closing, Will urged the students to continue “to devote yourselves to learning in an open-ended and capacious way—learning for its own sake, learning as embodied in the ideal of Dartmouth’s liberal arts education.”
And she asked that they share their love of learning with others, “especially those who have not been as fortunate as you.”
Kate Soule, chapter secretary and a member of the Phi Beta Kappa governing board, encouraged the new members to become active in Phi Beta Kappa activities as they start their postgraduate lives. She also taught them the secret handshake.
At an earlier meeting on Oct. 18, 21 members of the Class of 2019 were inducted into Phi Beta Kappa.
The Phi Beta Kappa members inducted at Dartmouth during 2018-19 are:
Elliot M. Adams
Se Hyuk Bang
Olivia R. Bewley*
Lauren Kay Bishop
Bryan J. Bollinger
Connor Preston Bondarchuk*
Charlene A. Browne
Elise Mollie Burr
Keira Lauren Byno
Paulina Corinne Calcaterra
Dominic David Carrese
Emily Jean Chao*
Jason James Cheal
Brian Min Chekal
Liu Chen*
George Charles Cheng
Wei Liang Samuel Ching
Peter Jinhyung Choi
Allison Pearl Chuang
Caroline Alexandra Cline
Steffi Colao
Victoria Lynn Corwin
Margaret Marie Cross
Alexandra Gael Curnin
Gillian Severine D’Acierno
John Alexander Davidson*
Thomas Christopher DeSantis
Paul Bronis de Supinski
Christine Anqi Dong*
Tianhang Dong
Ashley Lorena DuPuis
Davidson Foss Emanuels
Olivia Easton Estes
Tucker Eugene Evans
Heather Elizabeth Flokos
Charis Dale Freiman-Mendel
Anne Lisa Ludik Furman
Brooke Lauren Goldner
Nathan Phillip Greenstein
Kevin Michael Griffee
Hanting Guo
Ruihan Guo
Jessica Anne Heine
James S. Herman III*
Grace Catherine Herron
Hannah Ilana Hoffman
Meredith Leyden Holmes*
Randy Hao Huang
Cydonia Macey Hubicki
Lauren Paige Huff
Olivia Frances Hunter
Clayton Eric Jacques
Young Jang*
Annie Yichen Ke
Vibhor Khanna
Karina Eileen Korsh
Sarah Grace Kovan
Madeline Jane Kroot
Drew Navin Leonard
Josephina Sophia Lin*
Andrew Ankang Liu*
Yihang Genna Liu
Jonathan Alexander Lu
Alex Zachary Magnuson
Rachel Nicole Matsumoto
Katherine Carlisle McCreery
Sarah Bowman Miller
Madison Carlene Minsk
Anant Shubham Mishra*
Sophie Montgomery
Benjamin Carter Nesselrodt
Erica Chek-Yung Ng
Colleen Elizabeth O’Connor*
Owen Pierce O’Leary
Cayla Rene Plotch
Siyuan Sonia Qin*
Zachary Fitz Quayle
Nalini Andrea Ramanathan
Lindsey Grace Renner
Adam Michael Rinehouse
David Alexander Ringel
Sonia Niiler Rowley*
Jordan Walker Neal Sandford
Karam Singh Sandhu
Walker Schulte Schneider
Brian Jake Schoenfeld
Katherine Chenoweth Schreiber
Shikhin Sethi
Morgan Annalee Sizemore
Amanda Katharine Sload
Ellen Louise Smalley
Jared Nathaniel Solomon
Ryan Eric Spector
Samantha Max Stern*
Alexander Eckard Sullivan*
Arvind Suresh*
Nikita Swinnen-Galbraith
Briana Marie Tang
Elizabeth J. Terman*
Neerja Bhagwati Thakkar
Joseph Robert Torsella
Dennis Henry Tracey IV
Julia Marie Vallone
Cara Elise Van Uden
Balthasar Lloyd von Hoyningen Huene
Ruoni Wang
Zhiyi Evangeline Wang*
Madeleine Rose Waters
Olivia Fairchild Wiener
Fuller Rand Winton
David Theodore Wong*
Jennifer A. Wu
Richard Jiang Yang
Qianyi Yong
Xinyi Zhang
Carolyn Leann Zhou
Kenneth Yang Zhu
Serena May Zhu
*Members of the Class of 2019 initiated Oct. 18, 2018
Charlotte Albright can be reached at