Lone Pine Awards Celebrate Staff Excellence

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Seven employees recognized for their work across Dartmouth.

Cheryl Bush recieving the Sheila Culbert Distinguished Employee Award
Cheryl Bush, operations director of the Department of Molecular and Systems Biology at Geisel School of Medicine, holds the Sheila Culbert Distinguished Employee Award after receiving it from President Sian Leah Beilock. (Photo by Robert Gill)

The annual Lone Pine Staff Recognition Awards ceremony last Thursday at the Hanover Inn celebrated excellence across Dartmouth. President Sian Leah Beilock and other senior leaders presented the awards during the afternoon event, which was followed by a reception.

President Beilock lauded Dartmouth staff members’ dedication, patience, and commitment to institutional knowledge.

“It’s really absolutely incredible, and I’ve seen it time and time again,” she told the honorees and their colleagues, friends, and family members gathered in the ballroom. 

Beilock noted that the award winners represent a variety of roles and departments, a reminder of “how many people it takes to keep Dartmouth performing at the highest level,” and said it was “amazing” to be able to recognize them and their contributions to the institution’s success.

“On behalf of my entire senior leadership team, I’d like to express my deepest gratitude for today’s award recipients and really say that you’re setting examples for your peers to follow.”

Beilock also highlighted the staff’s role in creating a cohesive community.

“I know you are the glue that holds us together. That is very clear, especially in moments of division,” she said. “Whatever anyone is feeling, I want you to know that your voice and your perspective matter. And I’m really grateful for your steadfast commitment and devotion to the Dartmouth mission.”

Jomysha Delgado Stephen, executive vice president for strategy and special counsel to the president, shared her appreciation and admiration for the work staff members do “during the best of times and during the difficult times.”

“Since I arrived last August, I’ve been so impressed by the dedication, the excellence and commitment to collaboration that our staff show every day,” Stephen said. “Your exceptional work in supporting the students, the faculty, and each other is what makes Dartmouth a school like no other.”

The Lone Pine Excellence Awards, established by the Office of Human Resources, honor individuals or teams in six categories: collaboration, innovation, diversity and inclusion, leadership, passion and commitment, and unsung hero. 

The Lone Pine Staff Recognition Program also includes the Sheila Culbert Distinguished Employee Award, which recognizes a staff member for exemplary work, relentless pursuit of excellence, and selfless and unwavering dedication to Dartmouth.

The Culbert Award went to Cheryl Bush, operations director, molecular and systems biology, at the Geisel School of Medicine.

Here are the other 2023 award winners:


Collaboration Award

Tom Joseph accepting the Collaboration Award
Tom Joseph, right, enterprise architect with Information, Technology, and Consulting, accepts the Collaboration Award from Provost David Kotz ’86. (Photo by Robert Gill)


Innovation Award

Lisa Tedeschi accepting the Innovation Award
Lisa Tedeschi, executive director of Undergraduate Programs and Select Initiatives at Tuck School of Business, is congratulated by Joseph Gerakos ’90, senior associate dean for innovation and growth. Gerakos presented Tedeschi with the Innovation Award. (Photo by Robert Gill)


Passion and Commitment Award

Sarah Goldsmith receiving the Passion and Commitment Award
Sarah Goldsmith, right, lab technician with the Hicks Pries Lab, Arts and Sciences, receives the Passion and Commitment Award from Associate Professor of Biological Sciences Caitlin Hicks Pries. (Photo by Robert Gill)


Unsung Hero Award

Ethan Woodard accepting the Unsung Hero award
Ethan Woodard, assistant director of budget planning and analysis, Arts and Sciences, was presented with the Unsung Hero award by Amanda Bushor, director of A&S operations and finance center, left, and Kate Soule, director of A&S finance and research administration. (Photo by Robert Gill)

Not present at the ceremony were Jami Powell, associate director of curatorial affairs and curator of Indigenous art, Hood Museum of Art, and Abdul Rahman Latif, Muslim chaplain and associate director of the William Jewett Tucker Center for Spiritual and Ethical Living.

Powell is the recipient of the Leadership Award, and Latif the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Award.

Aimee Minbiole