ArticlesOne-Liners May Hint at Feelings About Health Care (USA Today)Date3/3/2014Body Combing through thousands of Facebook entries, Dartmouth researchers pinpointed 156 jokes on the social media site that made fun of doctors...
ArticlesTV in Kids’ Bedrooms Tied to Extra Pounds (Today)Date3/3/2014Body According to a new Dartmouth study, children who have a television in their bedrooms gain about one extra pound per year compared to those...
Articles‘Moving Dartmouth Forward’ Takes Up Digital LearningDate3/2/2014Body Dartmouth’s effort to integrate a premier liberal arts education with new learning technology is nothing new. The College has been on the...
ArticlesPro-Vaccine Messages Actually Backfire, Study Finds (NBC News)Date3/2/2014Body A new study led by Dartmouth’s Brendan Nyhan suggests that public health messages aimed at increasing childhood vaccinations are actually...
ArticlesCoulter Has the Best Day Ever (The Chronicle of the Horse)Date3/2/2014Body Besting the two Brits who were considered the top contenders, Dartmouth’s Audrey Coulter ’15 won the $280,000 Adequan Grand Prix jump-off at...
ArticlesPresident Hanlon Attends Conference at the White HouseDate2/27/2014Body President Phil Hanlon ’77 is one of nine college and university presidents demonstrating leadership in the effort to combat sexual assault...
ArticlesAt Oscar Time: From Hanover to HollywoodDate2/27/2014Body While movie buffs gear up to watch the Oscars on television on Sunday, the 15 students in the Department of Film and Media Studies’ Los...
ArticlesThe Pinkification of Children’s Toys (The Daily Beast)Date2/27/2014Body [[{“type”:“media”,“view_mode”:“media_large”,“fid”:null,“attributes”:{“class”:“media-image alignright size-full wp-image-51668”,“typeof”...
ArticlesHappy 110th Birthday, Dr. Seuss Date2/27/2014Body March 2 marks the 110th birthday of Theodor “Ted” Geisel, Class of 1925, known worldwide as the author and illustrator Dr. Seuss. Ted Geisel...
ArticlesWho’s the Next Dartmouth Idol Winner? Find Out SoonDate2/26/2014Body The suspense will be over next week when the new Dartmouth Idol winner is crowned at the Hopkins Center’s Spaulding Auditorium. The...